“You never should have started it” by Nick Anderson

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Ditch USA products and join r/BuyFromEU

I mean, I know Trump is Putin’s poodle and has been for decades, but I do think there’s a good chance that Trump honestly believes it when he says that Ukraine started it.

Because the guy is a fucking narcissistic piece of shit who doesn’t care about anything other than himself, so it’s quite possible he doesn’t know the first thing about Ukraine, or anything else that isn’t him.

It’s like a bully telling you to “stop hitting yourself”.

How many atrocities has Russia committed now?.. I remember as the war was unfolding and the invasion was beginning, how russian military was shooting civilians in the street and firing into residential buildings, and at people driving down highways, destroying rural properties, torturing people. Then the ceaseless bombing of infrastructure, now for 3 years. Has trump seen non of this? Is he in that much of a bubble?

Conservatives aren’t conservatives in USA. They are delusional Extremists. I am so shocked how anyone can vote this man… my hope in humanity is fading

Orange boil will burn the entire world down if it means few extra dollars for him.

I disagree with the cartoon, do not present the people of Ukraine as weaklings.

The Ukrainians are giving the russian horde what for for **three years.** Cargo 200 counter is about to add another digit. VSU has exceeded all expectations and beaten the wildest predictions and then some. They gave the Black sea navy a thorough rogering. The VDV has ceased to exist as an airbourne force.

These aren’t the feats of competence and courage of a peoples that get run over without a hell of a fight.

Watch out, babushka, he might grab you by the balalaikas.

Trump is a weapons grade fud.

I like the fact that Russian tank is heading for a “White house” in the cartoon

I like how the every side has to be labeled in these cartoons. Thanks man, we would have never guessed otherwise.

Didn’t this shit actually start in 2014?

Very powerful and complicated spot in image and cartoon. 🌻 🇺🇦


Realistically Ukraine would have seized its existence if there was no US and EU aid.

Ukraine simply CAN’T produce as much military equipment as Russia, let alone tanks, jets, howitzers and etc.

Based on the leaked documents from early Turkey negotiations, Ukraine could have saved more territories, because on current captured territories the referendums were supposed to take place. Perhaps this way they could have held more territories with less losses, albeit with certain compromises regarding NATO membership and number of state military personnel.

Who knows what future holds for Ukraine, considering that the current situation doesn’t look good

I just hope that Trump is playing some 5D chess move by climbing into Putin’s ass. It’s true that this war of attrition cannot continue, and Putin’s ego won’t allow him to accept defeat.

Is what r/europe says to Palestinians.

The picture is absolutely not true.

Lies. Lies. Lies.
Once again, the Americans take on the mantle of moral superiority and run to bring their “good” without understanding anything.
It was the current Ukrainian authorities who came on tanks to my hometown. It was the current Ukrainian authorities who have been shooting at cars, houses and hospitals since 2014.
You often say that the story of the Palestine-Israel standoff didn’t start on October 7? Well, the action in Ukraine didn’t start in 2022 eitherу.

cry more for ukro-nazzis

How do you people not find propaganda posters cringe?

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