What game is this?

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Hmmm… Portal 2.

Half Life 2

Chrono Trigger

Dishonored. One can argue about the Graphics part, but I think it’s visual art style makes the game pretty much immortal.

Mass effect 2.


Borderlands 2 for me, even the DLCs’ were top tier!

For me its God of War (2018)

Ghost of Tsushima

A Link to the Past

BG3 revolutionized the industry regarding dev cycles.

Hollow Knight

Honestly, CrossCode gets close but I didn’t like the ending. Left too much unresolved for me.

Witcher 3.

Loved the story, the music, the graphics and loved dancing between my enemies applying my skills and eventual knowledge against them.

This was the first time ever when a single character RPG game nailed all aspects so well.


RDR 2 will definitely take top comment on this..


Suprised no one said kcd or kcd2 yet


A plague tale and it’s sequel.

Cyberpunk 2077


The Last of Us Part I

Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3

Youll never see it coming🎶

Horizon Zero Dawn

For me this is RDR2

BG3 for me

Breath of the Wild.

There’s just something about it that hits every note for me.

Kingdom Come deliverance 2

Batman Arkham Knight from the intro all the way to the endgame it was by far in my opinion the best Batman game to date.

Ocarina of Time.

Dark souls remastered, katana zero and dark souls 3 are all very close but there is only one answer for me : Dredge

The art style is on point, timeless and simple.

The gameplay is satisfactory, it has a crafting system that doesn’t suck, it gives off that scary Lovecraftian horror vibe at the start and when you meet a new monster but you get used to it just like your character is getting used to this strange life

The story, both main and side quests keep you engaged and make you feel like a part of the world, everything has its own purpose and ties to the themes of the game.

It is without a doubt the ONLY game where I could find no negative, the only one I would genuinely say it’s a 10/10

A link to the past.

Ratchet and Clank 2016

The Last of Us, was brilliant.


Kingdom Hearts 1

Final Fantasy X

Star Ocean: Till The End of Time

FF7 Rebirth

Titanfall 2

Honestly, none of them. Every game has its flaws.

Kingdom Come 2

Kingdome Come

Jedi: Fallen Order is fantastic in all departments except for some traversal. (Someone already said Red Dead 2)

Assassins Creed Odyssey

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