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Cute, but grossly inaccurate. Trump isn’t playing Putin. He is playing us and sharing with Putin.

Putin’s favorite agent – Mr. Krasnov

If we could all keep calling the U.S ➡️Dumbfuckistan I would be so happy.

It’s by design, Putin is Krasnov’s boss.

The table isn’t long enough.

Yeah we remember Afghanistan deal making. Mind you Afghanistan also has rare earth materials and much more.

A lot of his hotels and casinos went bankrupt so I guess his deals are not profitable. Like currently selling USA to Putin for pennies.

The only good thing about living through bad times is that the caricatures are absolutely fire. This week alone I’ve seen a dozen great ones

Not accurate. Trump should be playing with Uno cards.

Trump as a hostage negotiator: “give them all the money they asked for and let them keep the hostage, see, it’s easy to get a deal”

Damn, took his diapers too.

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You got it wrong. Trump should be bent over in front of Putin.

Dont know how all Americans aren’t furious that your government basically folded all power in your country to one man. You dont even need that Congress anymore. They are just rich people collecting a shit load of tax payer money now. They are useless. They are completely going against democracy and everyone that are suppose to be defending it are hiding or mysteriously turned into yes men over night. So sad. A country that inherited their democracy is about to lose it becuae they aren’t willing to fight for it. Foreign and Domestic. Do you understand what that means.

“I’ve got him right where I wanted”

America is about to become a comunist state.

This isn’t quite accurate. The chips ought to be sitting in the pot in the middle of the table. Putin has a shitty hand. Trump is holding four aces but decides to fold.

Not really thought. Yanis Varoufakis had a good take, the murican war machine is simply moving to some other more profitable war. There are no sides, it’s all imperialists.

Nobody makes deals like him… just ask Rudy Giulianni and the Mob in New York.

Lmaaooo @ his fuckin clothes on the table. This is perfect. Dipshit is getting cleaned and doesn’t even realize it

True. Nobody does such stupid deals.

Is that Ukraine, Baltic states, Eastern Europe and Alaska I’m seeing under his clothes?

Let see the size of the Table this time (remembering macron vs Putin table at the beginning of the war)

He hasn’t enough strength to stay straight seated on a stool.

They got Syria, didnt they?

No gibberish, but ok

The Emperors New Clothes… American version

The comic forgot the poop dripping out of his incontinent butthole.

Omg so teue!


Greenland? Panama Canal? Canada? They can be happy if Alaska doesn’t become Russian again in a year. 😁

An appropriate comparison, ru is the guy who constantly bullshts about his hand so the opposition folds the cards and Maga falls for it every single time.

The artist forgot to draw shitstains

Trump is underrated, he may not be the sharpest knife related to how to communicate or certain topics, but he knows how to get what he wants.

Where is his diaper?

Next, Trumps going to bendover and Whisper “Put in”

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