I turned 40 so I decided to make myself a Mimic cake.

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happiest bday and this is the coolest cake ever omggg wow!

That looks fucking horrible, well done! I’d sooo pick off an eyeball 🤭

How did you make the tongue?! That’s awesome!

you should cross post this to some dnd subs! this cake is awesome and creepy. absolutely perfect, you did a great job. what does it taste like?


But I do hate it but also love it lol


Looks great but I couldn’t get myself to eat that 😨

That looks fantastic! Happy birthday!

This is so beautiful was it a lot of work would you care to explain your process? I’ve got a soon to be 13 yo who would be tickled pink to have a cake like this

Holy crap! That thing is hideous in all the best ways!!

Happy Birthday…though dont count the numbers

Oh my God please begin your calling as The Nerdy Baker. A baking business that sells nerdy cakes and deserts. I would totally pay big bucks for a Mimic cake for my husband

How does it feel to be this cool at 40

Thanks, I hate it

Hyvää syntymäpäivää!

As someone who has made a cake or two in her life, I don’t think most people realize how difficult it is to make decorations look good. This is great! That tongue is amazing!

Wow! That’s amazing! I had to show my husband!! He wants to know what you used for the teeth.

Ewww!! Nice job! Also, happy 40th!

That tongue is disgusting!! Well done

That’s disgusting! Amazing job

The fact that I don’t like looking at it is a testament to your skill. Good job!

Omg this is incredible !!!! 🤩💖

Trytophobia ahh cake 🫠 I love it

Happy birthday!

That’s pretty sick!

This is so cool!

This gives new meaning to “the cake is a lie”

Gnarly!! So frickin’ cool 🔥


That’s the most bad ass looking cake I have ever seen good job 👏

Good work OP. It looks.appropriately horrifying. 😁

ugh dudee, idk why but this made me want to have a horror inspired cake for my bday too 😭😭 ohhh i know what I’ll do 😏

Happiest of birthdays 🫶🏻 and that cake is amazing!!



Now I feel like I need to step up my 40th birthday cake. 😆 I was “just” going to make an Italian apple cake.

Happy Birthday! That’s such an awesome cake! Well done! ❤️

Awesome job!

Too cool man

I said “oh my god” when I saw this. I hate that this is going to be eaten. It should be preserved and displayed for every guest that ever comes in your home. I love it. I want to adopt it.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time… 😭

What an awesome cake!!! How did you do this?? Love it!! Happy B day!!!

That is amazing! Happy birthday and keep being awesome!

I love your cake mimicing a mimic mimicing a cake.

you’re insanely talented omg. it looks amazing!!

I have no clue what a mimic is but you did a great job! Happy birthday!! 🥳

Love it. A++

Omg! I love this!

Horrendous looking the tongue looks putrid , well done OP!!

The cake is a lie

So freakin’ cool! Bravo!

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