Tiny Pants Vance

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Dressing like a slut because he heard there would be armchairs to sit on

Are they capris?

Dafuq is wrong with him?

I remember the scandal when Obama wore a tan suit. This guy is Vice president of the United States of America and it looks like he gets his suits from a knockoff Gentleman’s Warehouse.

The actual fuck? Whoever his tailor is needs to be fired.

Dudes ankles are 6 inches above his heel.

It looks like he’s wearing yoga pants

One thing that impressed me about Al Gore is that his socks went far enough up his calf that you couldn’t see any leg when he was sitting on one of those chairs talking to David Letterman about how we needed to act right away to prevent a climate crisis

All he needs is a pair of DeSantis’ white boots.

What in the pantaloons is that?

Shows a little leg. Settles in to seduce the chair.

Too be fair… having no balls will cause the pants to ride firmly up his ass.

It’s Jance Dance Vance with the Itty Bitty Pants y’all!

Trying to show the couch some skin

When I was enlisted our dress Blues pants were tailored specifically so that when we were standing at attention the cuff would rest just above the top of the shoe so that the pleat could be a straight unbroken line. The unfortunate side effect was that it looked like this when you sat down.

There is no good reason to have your pants tailored this way outside of the specific requirement of the military dress code.

Thiel wouldn’t pay for the pants, I guess.

Someone put a tariff on his pants

Vancey pants.

How does he not have a better fitting pair of pants?

For better couch intimacy…

Those are called capris. Back in the day they were called pedal pushers.

The pants advanced on Vance

His tie is longer than his inseam.



Its european cut… that goof is wearing MISSterious brand

That’s the face you make when your balls get crushed by pants that are too tight. It happens to all of us but this man gets his shit tailored, which makes it even funnier because the tailor seemingly did this on purpose

Is he a little lad who likes berries and cream?

He destroyed FEMA and now is wearing highwaters to prepare for upcoming floods.


All three legs are tiny

Working his way to lederhosen.


Hey I think I know this guy. I think he is affliliated with the Trump admin but I don’t exactly know how

Tiny brain Vance!!

It reminds me of when Deadpool got cut in half, and his lower torso was slowly growing back.

Naw his chub was getting engorged because of new couch. It lifted the legs of his pant.

Looks like his tie stole some length from his pants

This can’t be real…

… is this real?

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