What movie made you go “Holy shit, there is still an hour left?”

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The happening

Downsizing (2017)

Holy hell. That movie seemed like it was over after 30 minutes but just kept going.

Backdoor sluts 9

Movie runtime 1 hour 6 mins

The Matrix Resurrections

Every Peter Jackson hobbit movie

I’m sure I’ll get roasted, but Wicked. Wow, did I not enjoy that movie.

Beau is afraid

No Time To Die, the last James Bond movie. He had plenty of time to die. Too much time.

The Assassination of Jesse James. Man that movie never seemed to end!


Avatar 2

Killers of the flower moon. It was ok, but not Scorseses finest.

Jesse Plemons was great, but he’d be great in a burger commercial.


Any Madea movie

“Babylon” with Margot Robbie… Near the middle end of the movie Tobey McGuire apparently it’s a 3 hour movie…


Joker. I was high AF so it took me 3 hours to watch a 2 hour movie 🙃

Justice League. The Zac Schneider cut.

English Patient. Should really end at the plane crash.


Almost everything that has come out in the last 4 to 6 years is over 2 hours.

Killers of the flower moon… I know people loved it, but I just didn’t get into it and it went on forever

Honestly, and I didn’t hate this movie at all, but Gladiator 2. I was watching it yesterday and looked at the time, “There’s still 50 minutes left??” It wasn’t bad. Essentially the same thing as the first one, but still entertaining.

Irishman was terrible and no one can convince me otherwise


Couldn’t finish the Irishman. It just…. dithered. So I cut my losses and quit.

Bladerunner 2049, but in a good way

The Eternals


Lincoln. I love Daniel Day Lewis, but that movie was rough to watch.

The last Batman movie with Robert P

Titanic. I remember sitting in the movie hoping for that damn iceberg..

The Brutalist

The Last Jedi

Hobbs and Shaw

Avatar: The Way of The Water

Braveheart. Drank about a 2L Fountain Coke in the first 30 minutes in a crowded theatre, and now whenever I see Mel Gibson I think about how bad I had to piss at the end of that movie.


It started strong but around the time Spider-Man was showing off his alligator rape dungeon to the veterinarian from Superstore, I was ready to move on.

Alexander. God that movie sucked lol

AI I actually thought had finished after he found the fairy, then the damn thing just kept going lol

Avatar, seriously how long can a knock off of pocahontas with CG last?

Australia it’s so long boring and terrible

The Irishman made me go “holy shit, there’s two and a half hours left?!”

The second Avatar

Eyes wide shut

Gangs of New York fucks sake I’ve tried to rewatch that movie like 7 times over the last 20 years and I fall asleep every time

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood wore me out. I appreciated it, but I was relieved when it was over

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