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They can’t afford to feed the neighborhood 😔

My mom was the screaming one in the neighborhood. My friends and I are in our 30’s now and we’re still afraid of that 100 pound Italian woman

east/southeast europe version:
10 y/o me outside the door while my friend gets screamed at for not hiding a pack of cigarettes well enough and got caught (also praying he doesn’t say they’re also my cigs)

And then you’ll be sitting there like

“No no. Really. I don’t have to eat anything. Don’t worry about me.”

While the mom gets angry because she has now started to prepare more.


Squilroy was here

My least favorite were the moms who would do all the yelling and drama AFTER they had prepared another seat for you without fuss. Now you can’t leave even if you weren’t planning on staying for dinner 😒 Im so lucky my mom did the yelling after my friends leave.

Squidward looking like Mr Chad

What kind of culture you’re all from, there was always food for anyone who wanted, at our home. Neighbours, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends, were always fed. The idea of there being bad blood because there was an extra person at the table is just weird.

Not me inviting them over so my parents wouldn’t scream at me or do whatever while they were there (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)

I still go through this with a friend. When I visit them we often end up going way pass dinner time, and then their mother starts scolding them over me staying pass dinner time and the mom forces them to either kick me out of the house or not eat at all so they can “make me company”. My friend often ends up punished for a couple days as a result.

>!We are both in our 30’s and we both live on our own…!<

Then you get hit with the “You have to go now” or “Mom said dinner is at 5”

The most awkward feeling ever 🤣


It was quite common for either me or my friends just waiting in the room while the family ate dinner together.

Took me about 25 years to understand that this is pretty frowned upon behavior in the rest of the world lol

I would take every opportunity not to eat in my own home. Always screaming and fighting. My friend always had my back.

Glad my mom was not like this. She was strict as shit but was never rude in front of my friends. If they were over at dinner time they got to eat, but we didn’t eat together. Food would be ready and you just grabbed a plate when you wanted.

I remember one year I had a friend who was poorer than us and she always did an advent calendar for me and bought one for my friend to open each day too. When we went on vacation I was always allowed to bring a friend expense paid so they never had to ask their parents to fund it.

Woah they did a Kilroy was Here reference in SpongeBob?

“my mom said it’s okay”

this has never happened to me

Vaguely related, but my best friend growing up was in a shouty household. We would make home videos sometimes, and one of my favorites is when the video is interrupted by his mom calling his name, he shouts “What?!”, then she calls again and he yells “I SAID ‘WHAT?!'”

This is so bad. I have memories of things like that. Some parents sucked at disciplining their kids and chose to do so in front of friends who were blameless yet made to feel like shit for coming over.

Kilroy was here

Hahahahah core memory unlocked. This EXACT thing happened to me when I was exactly 10 lol.

I would leave during dinner time. I knew that was the time to go as a kid 🤣

I’m so glad, that that was never an issue for my parents. They were always happy to feed my friends, I had that the other way around though when I visited 1-2 friends. It felt so awkward and I was just sorry to be there…

But did she have the Stove Top stuffing?

I just never invited anyone over and saved myself from this hassle

This is wild to me. I will happily feed any person in my home who’s still there when dinner is ready. I can’t imagine not doing so, and that is 10x more true if that person is a child.

It’s amazing realizing you don’t express emotions because you were too busy as a child managing the temper tantrums of adults.

Ugh one of my friends would always tell me to ask if I could spend the night. At his house, on school nights too. So annoying because I knew the answer would always be no and it wasn’t my place to ask that question either.

one thing I will be greatful to my parents forever for is the open invite to any of my friends at almost anytime. My mom is Italian and would make large family meals that could feed the block, so she would welcome another mouth. Just meant less leftovers, of which there was already too much.

I remember my mom was at work when I got home from school. I’d consistently by over at one of my buddies house after school eating dinner. He had an older sister who made a rude comment about me being over all the time and dining with them. Can’t remember what was said but something along the line of me always being over and eating all their food. That was the last time I ate over.

This is really unusual for me. When we were growing up my fiends usually ate with us. We were always together and my grandma was the one cooking for half the neighborhood because our parents worked. Or one of my fiends stay at home moms did the cooking.
We never got yelled for having people over for a lunch or a dinner. We got yelled because we broke the curfew or stayed longer than we were allowed.

This was me. This hits hard.

I’m grateful I didn’t grow up with this. My grandmas survived WW2 and my parents were born during the war. Any guest in our house would be fed. While my mom or grandma would not necessarily be excited by the prospect of an extra guest for dinner (food, especially meat, was not abundant and carefully planned), they would just share what we had. I’d never be yelled at for having a friend over. Having said that, everyone else was in the same situation, so it was also polite to decline and say you’re not hungry.

Yelling at someone in presence of the guest is very rude and sets a terrible example for the kid. Making the guest uncomfortable is a huge no-no in the way I was raised. At my house, everyone gets invited to the table for a meal. It’s the right (and polite) thing to do.

Never invited people over for dinner unless there was a special occasion. Since my parents nor did I thought it was a thing people did.

Had that happen with my ex when her grandmother invited me in for dinner and her mom came home in the middle of it

This reminds me of when I was a kid and my friend told me her parents said I had to bring snacks from my house if I was hungry.

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