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“No” is absolutely not the worst they can say.

Not every “no” is created equal. the first one is not so bad, but after the 10th one it starts to become devastating.

Worst than no : HAHAHA no.

“Eww” is probably the worst thing they can say

I think laughing is worse

The worst they can say is no is not even remotely true, but even disregarding all the other possible responses, no can still be pretty bad if you want the specific individual, not just anyone. Sure if you are at a bar or something and someone you’ve talked to for the night doesn’t want to trade numbers that’s not bad, but if you have a crush on a friend and they say no that’s pretty devastating.

The fine art of rejection. Once you realize it doesn’t matter. It won’t bother you. When you’re young it does seem overwhelming.

My brother used to tell me this about girls. My response “Wouldn’t her hosing me with mace and bludgeoning me with her purse be worse?”

Same 😔

i really don’t care about being rejected, it’s about how they reject me

No is like the 2nd best outcome honestly.

When I was 12 I asked a girl out on a school trip to Germany and she cried.

They can do way worse than say no……..

Whoever said ‘No is the worse they can do’ never had the police called on them.

Overly entitled karens be like

When I was a kid, my parents taught me a rule. It was originally about candy but nowadays it’s useful in many ways.

“If you can’t handle either answer, yes or no, then don’t ask the question.”

So don’t ask for candy if you’ll get upset being told no. Don’t ask for a date if you’ll get upset being told no. Because then you’re not ready to ask that question.

Of course this doesn’t apply to everything, such as basic human rights. But for things you don’t actually need, like candy or a date, it’s great.

Pretty much no matter what they say you are left where you are (e.g. single, without that raise etc.). It can be deeply frustrating to be expecting/hoping for progress and not getting it, hiwever, in short, the worst they can do is leave you where you are.

*cries* “Am I so ugly you thought I was in your league?”

No one is saying no to ginny

If hearing no devastates you, you need to hear it more. A no is nothing bad. I mean of course it depends on the how of the no but seriously. Dealing with rejection is like a basic skill.

People need to learn to stop letting rejection define them.

Normalize therapy.

Eh, I’ve been told worse.

I mean the worst is no reply/ getting ignored tbh 😂

“Ew, no.” Is way worse.

how can you go lower if you are already at the bottom?

Worst that can happen is you find out how shitty of a person they are and a new chance to not let it bother you personally.

I’d rather have been rejected than to think it’s building up for the last 6 months only to find out that she’s into chicks.

Btw this can be rejection sensitive dysphoria, notably a symptom of ADHD

“your words are poison!”

RSD gang

Just say “it is what it is…” And everything is going to be fine.

As others have said, it’s by far not the worst thing. In this day and age that “no” can take the form of public shaming and mockery, or even accusations of harassment being levied against the person asking.

I’ve been single for a very long time (15 years) and one of the reasons is the absolute fear of rejection, combined with what form that rejection might take. And that comes from being rejected, and everyone in my social group knowing I was rejected VERY fast.

a girl once told me “sikerem aminakeurum”

It’s always funny to me that the people who aren’t bothered by no, are also the people who would probably benefit the most from asking themselves why they were told no.

I knew this girl for a time. I hope she is doing well.

Mark-Corrigan-ass tweet

Nah worse is definitely *stares* “are you fucking serious?!”

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