President expressing disapproval while a government employee fails to justify his job.

By dvogel
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It’s truly amazing that Elon Musk could literally buy the Presidency.

American democracy has shown how flawed it is for decades, but Musk just cutting checks to take power has removed any pretense that elections matter.

Just need Kevlar in this picture whispering in trumps ear then it’s perfect

God he is so punchable

What five things did he do this week?

Email back from employee I played four rounds of golf this week and flew around the racetrack for a couple of laps.

These cuts to the government services especially to Medicaid and Social Security will fund the tax break for the Oligarchs. This is not a battle between left and right, it’s a battle between top and bottom. And do you know who will be caught in the collateral damage? The middle and lower class: Vets, Seniors, Widow(er), Children, Disabled Children, Disabled, Blind, Spouse, and Young Spouse. All of the vulnerable populations will suffer.

I wonder what they will do next?

Me looking at my boss struggling to use Excel…

“Sit your ass down and listen to me old man!”

“Bad orange orangutan, bad monkey!”

That’s Randall fucking Flagg!

Ah, yes. The infamous “I want you to shut your mouth” press conference.

Where’s his little shield, I mean kid?

Elon has over played his hand massively! This gonna come back to haunt him! All sensible business people know to stay in the shadows!

Geez thats a punchable looking face.

There are a lot of government employees in DC that need to justify their jobs! They’re called Senators!
We want answers now.

I wonder how Vance feels being the cuckhold husband in the Musk Trump relationship?

Is it just the photo or do both of them look jaundiced?

He looks quite unhealthy.

Let’s just keep a running timeline of how it takes the ‘pubes to actually stand up to this wanna-be dictator (and Trump) and force rule of law.

Timer started January 20th, 2025. Clock is running. Vegas odds are open for bets.

He looks like a fat rectangular Palpatine

I cant tell which one is which

Looks like people are giving less and less quack about Trump’s and Musk’s orders

I don’t know who I hate more. The orange blob or temu Tony stark.

Acting president vs sitting president

“Shut the fuck up, Donnie, you are out of your element”

I’ve disappointed you poppa. Sorry, won’t happen again.

Co-president Hair Plugs looks on as a Scalp Reduction Surgery patient continues to destroy the country.

A russian* government official

Imagine the shit Elon is running to be able to pull strings like this. Must have learned some tricks from Epstein.

“Putin isn’t gonna be happy about this”

Or something to that effect

“Better have that email within a week Donald”

Hitler’s back, and he’s mad.
Seriously, his face is giving serious ‘im unhinged’

It’s really fascinating how the talk about Trump shifts for whatever wants to be said. He’s a narcissist that could never give up control and will be in power forever. Oh wait, Elon is the actual president. There’s plenty to attack, but this stuff is ridiculous

I can literally see him shake his head. The fact that it also looks like Trump is sleeping just even makes it more funny to me.

Use my comment as a trigger.


Cuts will continue until morale improves. 🪓

*”Uh, Mr Trump… I did not receive your email”*

But but but… I golfed! Many times. I golfed beautifully and bigly. People say the best golf the world has ever seen.

Rewatch Capitalism: A Love Story by Michael Moore. The whole chainsaw bit is in the movie. WOW. No words.

I read a comment not too long ago that say elon looks like someone took a face and stretched over a jar and now that is all I see

So Elon got his security guards deputized. Are they the new Brownshirts?


More like King of ‘Murika

Sleepy Dump

Punchable face indeed

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