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I was that 5 year old boy with a 3 year old brother, boosting him up and making him climb up the kitchen cabinets to get the cookies on top of the refrigerator.

We were the 9 and 7 year old boys with the 4 year old brother, strapping him into the sled and sliding him down the cellar stairs toward the cement floor below.

We were the 14, 12 and 9 year old boys with the 6 year old brother, reassuring him we would catch him if he jumped off the roof of the garage.

Our sister was not into adventure and possible mutilation.

I was the 17 year old quickly running from one room to the other after hearing the 15, 12 and 9 year old say “Trust us” to our 4 year old baby bro.

We are all in our late 50s / 60s / 70s now and wonder how we all ever survived childhood. We all have kids who made it to adulthood as well and now understand why our parents drank.

Trust exercises are good bonding time

Ahh the birth of “bro trust me”

nothing says dead internet theory like a post with over 1k upvotes and 8 comments

Your 2 year old did not say that. I call bullshit

Fake, no 2 year old can say anything like that.

today on things that never happened, presented to you by a repost bot…

My 2 year old can finally say ‘a ball’, i’ve never been so proud

Your “two” year old said that? Okay, sure buddy.

shit went from 0-100 back to 0 real quick

My little brother asked me if its a good idea to put the belt buckle pin into the electric outlet. I told him let’s see. In my country we have 220V AC. He was literally thrown 5 feet back from the shock.

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