Ukrainian pilot walked to his Mig-29 airplane to fight against Russian invaders

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In highres this would be an amazing picture.

What a powerful photo. Imagine being in these shoes. Being so brave as to walk towards danger to protect the things and the people you love. WE need to do more to support Ukraine.

That’s just BADASS.

Britain needs to send more troops

A brave man ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Just one this pilot has tens time big balls then Trump’s, and i don’t say anything about whole country…

Incredible courage


Dunkirk vibes

This one goes hard

David vs ruzzian Goliath.

They say that [cool guys don’t look at explosions](, but this is a whole new level of badassery.

In the title, you forgot to mention he was about to face insurmountable odds & almost certain death.

An extremely brave act.

Glory to Ukrainians

Embodied the Ghost of Kyev.

Legends are made of heroic feats

Slava Ukraini

We need a follow up on this fella.


Fuck war

Cool guys *do* look at explosions

This is the real โ€œTop Gunโ€

Fascist Elon Musk would call it woke.

Average redditor if the photo was russian: “Muh Propapaganda, russian bots”.

Average redditor with this photo: “Badass, powerful photo, what a hero”.

We truly are all the same, in a literal sense.

Soft spot for mig 29 was a great car

Europe lots of good news coming your way. You get to raise your own army. The world now has three centers of great powers. US,China,Russia.

If the plane he wants to fly is beside that large fire or explosion, he won’t be flying. Plane would be damaged by debris. This photo may be a little too perfect.

How’s the flair “on this day” but imagine is from 3 years ago lmao

Like our hero solders did fighting to protect our country . Now look at the respect they are receiving how sad

Russia all the way baby best picture of a bonfire Iโ€™ve seen all week

And he took off **knowing** that he would face impossible odds, with the whole russian airforce waiting for him, and would be dead within minutes…

…which didn’t happen, because the russians were so confident that their initial surprise barrage had taken out all of Ukraines aircraft that they didn’t bother to follow up with jets, and most Ukrainian aircraft could virtually unmolested relocate to hidden airfields.

Can someone check the authenticity of this?

Heroes ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Did anyone told that you war is over?

Yeah i doubt this is legit. Source?

So is this a deliberately lit fire to use as a smoke screen?

If not I would kinda expect this bloke to be running ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

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