You don’t seem to understand. Fascists don’t care how awfully you depict them or what things you show them doing as long as *they look cool doing it*. Fascism is an aesthetic based ideology. Whether it be the Christan fascist who adores the aesthetic of crusader knights and religious pomp or the Pagan fascist who longs for some pure Aryan religion like hellenism or Nordic Paganism or Technocrat fascists like Musk who think themselves new age gods who will guide humanity to the stars.
The common line is that fascism is built around wanting an imaginary world that never has or never will exist without suffering or anything the fascist doesn’t like. This of course requires a scapegoat or cause for all the world’s evil, someone to pin all that is wrong with society on. This can be black people, trans and gay peoplem Immigrants or Jewish people. There’s always someone ruining society.
Fascism is illogical because it is a rejection of the real world for some imaginary glorious past/future that never has or will exist. Fascism is escapism
16 days ago
I spent most of my teens killing Nazis in video games, reading about how terrible Nazi Germany was in high school, and watching movies where Nazism was clearly and unambiguously framed as abhorrent.
Yet it still spoke to the dregs of this country, simply because they believe it will allow them to act with impunity. Disgusting shit.
And it’s not even just white people, which is the fucked up part.
16 days ago
There’s a movie called *Skokie* about the Nazi group that took their case to SCOTUS and won the right to march in Skokie, Illinois in 1977. (The Blues Brothers’ Illinois Nazis were based on that real event.)
The Nazis had chosen Skokie because it had a large Jewish community, including many Holocaust survivors.
There’s a scene where a representative of the Anti-Defamation League is speaking at a Synagogue, saying that the best tactic is to ‘quarantine’ the Nazis. Ignore them, don’t attack them and give them the national attention they desire.
An old man (played by Danny Kaye) stands up and says, *that’s exactly the sort of bullshit they told us before the War, they’re a joke, petty thugs, pull down your blinds and they’ll soon be gone*.
He shows his arm tattoo and says *on my mother’s grave, a shallow limepit filled with 50 other naked, starved bodies at Mauthausen, on that grave, I swear that if they bring the Swastika here I will fight them with anything I can find, a gun, a baseball bat, my bare hands if need be.*
16 days ago
Well jojo kinda did but that’s anime and the dude got destroyed
16 days ago
There’s a whole thing about how of you have a bar and you let some Nazis in and they know you’re cool with them, they’ll tell their friends and eventually you’ll have a Nazi Bar on your hands. America has become that bar to the point that people can go and openly be Nazi. And you get assholes that defend it.
“Oh the swastika is going the opposite way so it’s the Buddhist manju and not a swastika” is a thing I heard 2016 by a fucking guy in Staten Island University because they drew a few in the facilities area to upset ppl. Like mate that’s a swastika.
“We shouldn’t punch Nazis because it sets a bad example” is something said by people that are alright with goose steppers coming in and trying to make another Reich.
Even the fucking heart goes out to you is a thing that ppl say but will never do in regular company only when they’re surrounded by other fascists because they know it’s a fucking salute.
16 days ago
The only good thing a Nazi ever did was when a Nazi killed Hitler.
16 days ago
Magneto had it dialed in. Charles while well intentioned kept trying to meet people in the middle. Problem was (is?) that they keep moving backwards pulling the middle towards them
16 days ago
I’ll caveat: the Stig (Inglorious Basterds)
The only “good guy” Nazi, because he fucking killed Nazis…
Somebody “Seig Heils” in front of me they are getting verbally AND physically accosted.
16 days ago
The hate machine will always have an out group even if their fantasies came true, and they eradicated all of us, then cleansed other minority groups. They’d just start consuming their own because they need something to point a finger to. Right now, your country is a pivotal stage you need a shit load of people to lock in and march, the cub was coddled for too long and has turned into a bear.
16 days ago
GI Robot had it all figured out.
16 days ago
There has absolutely been a good guy Nazi and his name was Oskar Schindler.
I want to be unambiguous here: Oskar Schindler _was_ a Nazi. He was a member of the Nazi party, he spied on Czechoslovakia and Poland for the Nazis.
And then he realised what the Nazis were. And he gave up almost everything to fight them. The movie was not exaggerating. He was willing to give up every last penny he owned to save lives.
Remember Schindler, and let _that_ be the bar for fascists to redeem themselves and be considered great men again.
16 days ago
We were taught at a very young age that Rapists were bad guy. Every cartoon, video game, movie…
I’m sorry, there are just some people who don’t get to be good guys.
There is a really interesting theory in tv and cinema that since the 90s zombies have become stand-ins for conservatives (mindlessly doing what they are told, destroying the intellect of anyone they come across) and vampires are stand-ins for liberals (wealthy elites who live off others). A lot of times aliens are used as stand-ins for illegal aliens (that’s not a hard one, look at alien nation). If you look at it that way, when they become the hero of the story it’s making an interesting statement. When a vampire fights other vampires to protect the common person, it’s really a liberal deciding to stop living off the hard work of others and making a contribution to society, a zombie breaking free of the mindless herd to value individuals, an alien fighting to protect the country and values they once wanted to destroy.
Nazis stood (stand) for the systematic destruction of a people and a way of life. The only way to make a Nazi a hero is for them to go against what they stand for, essentially to not be a Nazi. Looking at it the other way, there is no way for anyone to accept a person as a hero if they go from someone who wants to protect all people to someone who wants to destroy a whole type of person or way of life.
They have tried movies where people become Nazis, usually sci-fi movies where the hero realizes a whole alien culture must be destroyed and the movies generally don’t do well because people today just feel it’s inherently wrong to try and completely destroy something unique
16 days ago
16 days ago
I think it’s because media started making bad guys cool. It used to be very cut and dry, the protagonist is always good and the antagonist is always evil. To the point of the protag is saving cats from trees and the antag will grind up puppies for power. Now we have anti-heros and villain protagonists, and morally grey characters, which is truly more realistic as life isn’t black and white. But now people are used to identifying with “the bad guy” to some extent. Add on top of that, that no one alive today truly experienced what the nazis did, and how profoundly horrible they truly were, and all of a sudden people think being nazi makes them dark and edgy.
16 days ago
Part of the problem is America never did anything to denazify itself, and if anything, they brought nazis over to help the government work on projects. Specifically ones relating to fighting communist Russia, since that was the “biggest threat ” at the time. During WW2 there were protests to JOIN THE AXIS. There is a universe in which we did.
Our free speech laws are WAY too lenient on this shit and have been allowing for nazism/white supremacy (which is a whole other can of worms)/facism to grow far more than any rational country would.
Liberalism is also to blame for this. People like Biden and Pelosi have been nowhere near as harsh on calling the horrible things out the republicans have done, didnt do enough to gain public favor (i.e allowed for democratc spoilers and other bullshit to ruin congressional power) for DECADES and have been moving to the right for just as long.
We need progressive action, but the problem is the times when democrats actually speak up is when there’s any sort of denunciation of the status quo. They see it as an attack on democracy and call it such, rather than what it is. Politics based on the needs of people rather than capital interest.
16 days ago
Well when your not who the nazis we’re hating and killing your tend to not care same as a lot of shit if it’s not happening to certain folks they don’t care or they don’t “see” it
16 days ago
I read a few years ago while researching homeschooling about a couple in the US that had started a homeschooling curriculum that was pro Hitler. Thousands of parents were purchasing their crap.
16 days ago
The medicine for Nazism is bullets
16 days ago
White conservatives are media illiterate. These people think that a character like Homelander is the good guy. These people claim to worship Jesus but in reality they worship hatred and cruelty. No wonder these people produce mass shootings and college campus rapists and economic destruction

16 days ago
There are no good-guy nazis, yet one political party here in the US: supports an extremiest political party in Germany, has support from neo-nazi/hate groups, and does nazi salutes.
The fact that this country has made Nazis comfortable enough to walk around showing their true colors… burn this shit down man
16 days ago
Nearly my entire family was killed by Nazis, I will never let them get away with this.
16 days ago
I truly believe the “safe environment” of being an online jackass really does spill into real life. Those people will say all sorts of fucked up shit online, and eventually forget saying those same things out in the wild is going to get them popped in the mouth or worse. With Trump emboldening those fools, they simply expose themselves in mass, making it much easier for us to ID them, and deal with them appropriately.
16 days ago
Also, 99% of villains that aren’t Nazi’s are just *based* on the Nazi’s.
Fucking JK Rowling turning Voldemort into Hitler was as subtle as being hit by a brick in the face and yet this bitch now wants to erase trans people so much she sides with the Nazi’s.
16 days ago
It’s just a false sense of security, because violence has not been applied rigorously to their foreheads.
16 days ago
I’ve been rewatching Teen Wolf, in the last season the main villain is a literal nazi in the first part and then a town mob fueled by a creature that creates fear. There’s been a few quotes that I’m like “hell yeah!” followed promptly by “damn, this is relevant 10 years later”
16 days ago
Ngl lie , If I was a mutant. Magneto nor apocalypse would have to ask me because I would be begging them. My kill streak would be god tier . I would be employee of the month every month if I was one of the 4 horsemen. He better than me,bc aint no way I would hot wheels down play my suffering that endured my entire life .
You don’t seem to understand. Fascists don’t care how awfully you depict them or what things you show them doing as long as *they look cool doing it*. Fascism is an aesthetic based ideology. Whether it be the Christan fascist who adores the aesthetic of crusader knights and religious pomp or the Pagan fascist who longs for some pure Aryan religion like hellenism or Nordic Paganism or Technocrat fascists like Musk who think themselves new age gods who will guide humanity to the stars.
The common line is that fascism is built around wanting an imaginary world that never has or never will exist without suffering or anything the fascist doesn’t like. This of course requires a scapegoat or cause for all the world’s evil, someone to pin all that is wrong with society on. This can be black people, trans and gay peoplem Immigrants or Jewish people. There’s always someone ruining society.
Fascism is illogical because it is a rejection of the real world for some imaginary glorious past/future that never has or will exist. Fascism is escapism
I spent most of my teens killing Nazis in video games, reading about how terrible Nazi Germany was in high school, and watching movies where Nazism was clearly and unambiguously framed as abhorrent.
Yet it still spoke to the dregs of this country, simply because they believe it will allow them to act with impunity. Disgusting shit.
And it’s not even just white people, which is the fucked up part.
There’s a movie called *Skokie* about the Nazi group that took their case to SCOTUS and won the right to march in Skokie, Illinois in 1977. (The Blues Brothers’ Illinois Nazis were based on that real event.)
The Nazis had chosen Skokie because it had a large Jewish community, including many Holocaust survivors.
There’s a scene where a representative of the Anti-Defamation League is speaking at a Synagogue, saying that the best tactic is to ‘quarantine’ the Nazis. Ignore them, don’t attack them and give them the national attention they desire.
An old man (played by Danny Kaye) stands up and says, *that’s exactly the sort of bullshit they told us before the War, they’re a joke, petty thugs, pull down your blinds and they’ll soon be gone*.
He shows his arm tattoo and says *on my mother’s grave, a shallow limepit filled with 50 other naked, starved bodies at Mauthausen, on that grave, I swear that if they bring the Swastika here I will fight them with anything I can find, a gun, a baseball bat, my bare hands if need be.*
Well jojo kinda did but that’s anime and the dude got destroyed
There’s a whole thing about how of you have a bar and you let some Nazis in and they know you’re cool with them, they’ll tell their friends and eventually you’ll have a Nazi Bar on your hands. America has become that bar to the point that people can go and openly be Nazi. And you get assholes that defend it.
“Oh the swastika is going the opposite way so it’s the Buddhist manju and not a swastika” is a thing I heard 2016 by a fucking guy in Staten Island University because they drew a few in the facilities area to upset ppl. Like mate that’s a swastika.
“We shouldn’t punch Nazis because it sets a bad example” is something said by people that are alright with goose steppers coming in and trying to make another Reich.
Even the fucking heart goes out to you is a thing that ppl say but will never do in regular company only when they’re surrounded by other fascists because they know it’s a fucking salute.
The only good thing a Nazi ever did was when a Nazi killed Hitler.
Magneto had it dialed in. Charles while well intentioned kept trying to meet people in the middle. Problem was (is?) that they keep moving backwards pulling the middle towards them
I’ll caveat: the Stig (Inglorious Basterds)
The only “good guy” Nazi, because he fucking killed Nazis…
Somebody “Seig Heils” in front of me they are getting verbally AND physically accosted.
The hate machine will always have an out group even if their fantasies came true, and they eradicated all of us, then cleansed other minority groups. They’d just start consuming their own because they need something to point a finger to. Right now, your country is a pivotal stage you need a shit load of people to lock in and march, the cub was coddled for too long and has turned into a bear.
GI Robot had it all figured out.
There has absolutely been a good guy Nazi and his name was Oskar Schindler.
I want to be unambiguous here: Oskar Schindler _was_ a Nazi. He was a member of the Nazi party, he spied on Czechoslovakia and Poland for the Nazis.
And then he realised what the Nazis were. And he gave up almost everything to fight them. The movie was not exaggerating. He was willing to give up every last penny he owned to save lives.
Remember Schindler, and let _that_ be the bar for fascists to redeem themselves and be considered great men again.
We were taught at a very young age that Rapists were bad guy. Every cartoon, video game, movie…
I’m sorry, there are just some people who don’t get to be good guys.
There is a really interesting theory in tv and cinema that since the 90s zombies have become stand-ins for conservatives (mindlessly doing what they are told, destroying the intellect of anyone they come across) and vampires are stand-ins for liberals (wealthy elites who live off others). A lot of times aliens are used as stand-ins for illegal aliens (that’s not a hard one, look at alien nation). If you look at it that way, when they become the hero of the story it’s making an interesting statement. When a vampire fights other vampires to protect the common person, it’s really a liberal deciding to stop living off the hard work of others and making a contribution to society, a zombie breaking free of the mindless herd to value individuals, an alien fighting to protect the country and values they once wanted to destroy.
Nazis stood (stand) for the systematic destruction of a people and a way of life. The only way to make a Nazi a hero is for them to go against what they stand for, essentially to not be a Nazi. Looking at it the other way, there is no way for anyone to accept a person as a hero if they go from someone who wants to protect all people to someone who wants to destroy a whole type of person or way of life.
They have tried movies where people become Nazis, usually sci-fi movies where the hero realizes a whole alien culture must be destroyed and the movies generally don’t do well because people today just feel it’s inherently wrong to try and completely destroy something unique
I think it’s because media started making bad guys cool. It used to be very cut and dry, the protagonist is always good and the antagonist is always evil. To the point of the protag is saving cats from trees and the antag will grind up puppies for power. Now we have anti-heros and villain protagonists, and morally grey characters, which is truly more realistic as life isn’t black and white. But now people are used to identifying with “the bad guy” to some extent. Add on top of that, that no one alive today truly experienced what the nazis did, and how profoundly horrible they truly were, and all of a sudden people think being nazi makes them dark and edgy.
Part of the problem is America never did anything to denazify itself, and if anything, they brought nazis over to help the government work on projects. Specifically ones relating to fighting communist Russia, since that was the “biggest threat ” at the time. During WW2 there were protests to JOIN THE AXIS. There is a universe in which we did.
Our free speech laws are WAY too lenient on this shit and have been allowing for nazism/white supremacy (which is a whole other can of worms)/facism to grow far more than any rational country would.
Liberalism is also to blame for this. People like Biden and Pelosi have been nowhere near as harsh on calling the horrible things out the republicans have done, didnt do enough to gain public favor (i.e allowed for democratc spoilers and other bullshit to ruin congressional power) for DECADES and have been moving to the right for just as long.
We need progressive action, but the problem is the times when democrats actually speak up is when there’s any sort of denunciation of the status quo. They see it as an attack on democracy and call it such, rather than what it is. Politics based on the needs of people rather than capital interest.
Well when your not who the nazis we’re hating and killing your tend to not care same as a lot of shit if it’s not happening to certain folks they don’t care or they don’t “see” it
I read a few years ago while researching homeschooling about a couple in the US that had started a homeschooling curriculum that was pro Hitler. Thousands of parents were purchasing their crap.
The medicine for Nazism is bullets
White conservatives are media illiterate. These people think that a character like Homelander is the good guy. These people claim to worship Jesus but in reality they worship hatred and cruelty. No wonder these people produce mass shootings and college campus rapists and economic destruction

There are no good-guy nazis, yet one political party here in the US: supports an extremiest political party in Germany, has support from neo-nazi/hate groups, and does nazi salutes.
The fact that this country has made Nazis comfortable enough to walk around showing their true colors… burn this shit down man
Nearly my entire family was killed by Nazis, I will never let them get away with this.
I truly believe the “safe environment” of being an online jackass really does spill into real life. Those people will say all sorts of fucked up shit online, and eventually forget saying those same things out in the wild is going to get them popped in the mouth or worse. With Trump emboldening those fools, they simply expose themselves in mass, making it much easier for us to ID them, and deal with them appropriately.
Also, 99% of villains that aren’t Nazi’s are just *based* on the Nazi’s.
Fucking JK Rowling turning Voldemort into Hitler was as subtle as being hit by a brick in the face and yet this bitch now wants to erase trans people so much she sides with the Nazi’s.
It’s just a false sense of security, because violence has not been applied rigorously to their foreheads.
I’ve been rewatching Teen Wolf, in the last season the main villain is a literal nazi in the first part and then a town mob fueled by a creature that creates fear. There’s been a few quotes that I’m like “hell yeah!” followed promptly by “damn, this is relevant 10 years later”
Ngl lie , If I was a mutant. Magneto nor apocalypse would have to ask me because I would be begging them. My kill streak would be god tier . I would be employee of the month every month if I was one of the 4 horsemen. He better than me,bc aint no way I would hot wheels down play my suffering that endured my entire life .