Somewhere in Ireland

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We don’t just accept it. We encourage it by electing the wrong people.

Brick by brick someone’s laying some truth!

But also a war can have aspects of class war. It’s not black and white.

The rich get richer until the poor get educated.

Wise words


The pursuit of dignity and justice must continue! ⛓️‍💥✊🏽


After all this time, I am only now being able to understand what the working class really meant in capitalism. We were always gonna be exploited. The line is very blur.

This is not really news, this has always been happening

“The poor stay poor” — Or dead.

True. The middle class is gone.

“🎤 ” Drop!

The tides going the other way

The last part should change “and still the poor fight each other.”

Irish political graffiti has always been the best

The Ojays singing about [the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer]( from 1975:

The Irish once again being the best kind of white people.

No lies detected.

If we don’t push back it’s happening in America right now!

That’s true everywhere

It was never a war between left and right.

It was always up vs down, and the up keeps the down divided…

Divide and Conquer.

The problem (here in Ireland at least) is the older generations are wealthy, have their house paid off, have a nice pension and are happy with the status quo. While the younger generations are locked out of housing and forced to spend all their money renting privately to landlords who go abroad on holidays 4 times a year.

Change only occurs when there’s a will for change, young people need to vote and the working classes need to stand up to the blatant scam that is capitalism in its current form.

Otherwise wealth inequality will continue to widen in places like Ireland, The UK and USA.

Growing up working class in London I couldn’t agree more

Sounds like something Marx would write.

This is so true, class war is the war…

The rich have convinced us to fight amongst ourselves for the scraps. Your average person has a lot more in common with the immigrant than they do with the ruling classes/billionaires yet somehow they’ve been convinced that it’s the immigrants that are making their lives worse and not the latter.

yes let’s stop importing people who undercut our economic wellbeing by competing for limited housing, jobs, healthcare, infrastructure… Working people overwhelming vote against migration and rich politicians force it through. Give the people a voice. Deregulate housing. Deregulate energy. Allow us to afford a home, heat that home and work at a job for a fair wage.

Yea but the rich stay rich by living like the poor and the poor stay poor by attempting to imitate the rich….

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