No Fed Funds, No Problem!

By Mr__O__
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Can we do this for all places not just Maine?

States rights back at ya

Either we’re a union with representation, or we arent.

Lets get the answer.

Trump fanatics in the south: “uhhh, well, wait…who’s gonna pay for my motorized wheelchair?”

Awesome leaders need to follow the lead and push back against this douchebag. THIS IS WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT!!!!!!

Edit — Leaders = Governors

Every blue state needs to threaten this. Since Trumps administration is using our constitution as toilet paper, why not?

YES! Can all blue states do that and see how that goes for the red states

Come on California, let’s follow suit!

No taxation without representation 🤷🏻‍♂️

You’re practically Canadians, join us.

A government’s only job is to protect citizens. Citizens pay the government to manage money for the betterment of society. And when citzens need that money to help them, the government pays until the citzen can be self sufficient.

Unfortunately our government takes our money then says it doesnt have a duty to use it for us. So if they’re going to withhold using OUR money to help US, the. It makes sense not to pay.


Finally a leader who isn’t afraid to lead.

It’s truly insane because most Red States only exist because Blue States subsidize them through taxes. Tariffs will never touch the amount of federal taxes we pay as citizens.

This is what California needs to say. Now.

Has he called her “nasty” yet? The telltale sign she has gotten under his skin.

I have never heard of her before today.

But I think I like her.

Bingo! Call his bluff!

Does anybody have a source for this statement? Would be cool if true.

When he talked about blue states disappearing, blue states need to band together and withhold all federal taxes.

All blue states should do this; stop letting the federal government take your money to subsidize red state’s welfare.

Good idea. Blue states will just start providing for themselves, or just trade between each other. I think we will be better off than red states.

Finally someone is fucking sticking up to him instead of just sucking his ass. GO JANET!! I wish my reps were more like you.

We’re gonna start to see the beginning of secession movements.


I’ve been paying taxes for two decades and that money has mostly been spent on bombing brown children or bailing out rich assholes. We the people should not have our taxes used like this. Fix our infrastructure and give us health care.

The Fed can directly grab money out of people’s bank accounts.

Sounds good to me!

Finally people standing up to Trump. Way to many people in positions of power and influence and only to willing to fold.

I hope history remembers both sets of these people.

Come on CA and NY! Do it too!!

do this for New York and California alone and the feds will start bitching like no other

All the New England States and Cali need to reverberate this exact statement too.

I need to move to Maine! (FL)


Canada checks map…rubs hands together with a grin.

It only seems fair. If there’s no federal funding or support then WHY pay taxes?

As someone else said, taxation without representation. Isn’t that illegal?



Who knew the state of Maine would start the 2nd Revolutionary/Civil War

No taxation without representation.

So no representation from you? No taxes for you.

“California, if you’re listening…”

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