My Bodyguard – 1980 – [380p]

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##My Bodyguard (1980) PG
Terrorized in the Toilets? Chased after school? Shaken down for lunch money? GET A BODYGUARD
>>!Clifford Peach, an easygoing teenager, is finding less than easy to fit in at his new high school, where a tough-talking bully terrorizes his classmates and extorts their lunch money. Refusing to pay up, Clifford enlist the aid of an overgrown misfit whose mere presence intimidates students and teachers alike. But their “business relationship” soon turns personal as Clifford and the troubled loner forge a winning alliance against their intimidators – and a very special friendship with each other.!<

Comedy | Drama | Family
Director: Tony Bill
Actors: Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwin, Matt Dillon
Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 63% with 114 votes
Runtime: 1:36

YouTube link is restricted from: Spain

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