I should start an LLC…

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No jail time for rich parasites – it sends the wrong message. If there were consequences to their actions they might be minded to modify their behaviour – & we can’t have that under any circumstances.

& don’t throw crypto-boy Bankman-Fried at me – some of the people he stole from were fellow rich parasites & to be honest I’m amazed he’s still breathing in & out.

Reported wage theft is greater than all other forms of theft combined. So remember, when you take something from the grocery store without paying it’s not stealing, it’s reclamation.

Companies are always finding loopholes. They hire an army of lawyers and accountants to look for legal loopholes.

They’ve perfected the art of having a corporation have nearly all the rights of an individual, without any of the accountabilties.

I wouldn’t be surprised if corporations were given the right to vote in the future.

in my next life, i’d like to be born as a multi-billion dollar corporation please

It’s good they’re getting a raise in New York City, but if you do DoorDash as your sole job in New York, is $17 an hour enough to actually live on there?

They probably didn’t even have to pay the whole amount.

Bruh what fucking world class super thief can shoplift razors from a cvs? Those fuckers are locked behind a blood lock that requires two senior employees to cut each others left palms at the same time and recite pie for 27 digits before waiting 20 minutes for it to slowly unlock

I think it’s time we form an LLC. Shoplifters LLC is committed to providing a service for retailers in removing excess stock free of charge.

Corporations are people my friend.

It would still get turned into a predatory lending scam where people spend years paying off the interest on double-digit loans.

You are not going to prison for steeling razors from CVS

100% and then take a loan out through the LLC. Maybe even create a trust.

It’s easy. More people should just start choosing “resist arrest” against the oblivion guard until they start offering the option to pay the fine of 5 gold pieces again.

Start an LLC, “make an app) using chatGPT to find stuff to shoplift. Shoplift with an AI powered app. BAM! You are somehow above the law

This is great news! After lawyer fees and taxes, this should put around $50 in each of the NYC DD 60,000+ deliverers’ pockets. Obvious /s

This doesn’t surprise me AT ALL. I do ubereats deliveries, and have doordashed in the past. They are both structured in a way that, unless you have a debit card through them, you either pay a cashout fee for immediate access to your money, or get a fee-less transfer once a week. So drivers have these pools of earned tips sitting there throughout the week. I’ve assumed for some time now that all of these delivery companies add the funds to their accounts to reinvest, and just make equivalent payouts to their drivers when the time comes.

It gets better. They didn’t return the money in other states. When asked, the sleaze fucks said something to the tune of “we are just hyper focused on putting this years old case back and get back to our services”

Pretty sure the option is available the first few times, lol.

Even funnier, no one is getting dinged for shop lifting these days.

If you have to shoplift razors, how will you pay them back for it after you say ‘oops, sorry, jk’?

Also. Pay it back to the state. Not the people you stole the money from.

Which is why corporations should not be allowed to influence politicians.

Both of those things can be bad at the same time

This is the only reason I like democrats

That is, if they even get “caught” in the legal sense.
(Sometimes suspiscions, allegations against corporations or even outright shitty practices and abuse of loopholes are widely known but never addressed)

Corporations are people!….. Except when it comes to prosecuting crimes

Things done to property or the wealthy are crimes, to be punished with imprisonment. Things done to poor people are a civil matter, to be paid off with as little money as possible. This is how “justice” functions under any capitalist system.

Door dash/Uber/etc food delivery apps are a truly terrible business model.

They don’t “make” or “create” anything.

The people doing the work, the “Dasher” themselves, need to own the means of production,; in this case, the act of delivery.

The idea of some ppl or corporations getting rich off the backs of others performing the value is insane and it needs to stop .

Wasn’t this their whole schtick in the first place, hire everyone on as contractors so you don’t have to pay them insurance? It works both ways, you can’t have the benefits of full time workers without paying for it.

For real though, can we extend this thought experiment?

We joke, funny haha, that a big company can do the most heinous things and just pay some but the average joe goes to jail. Where’s the cutoff? If we took this to a court of law and asked to find the official line in the sand for this sort of thing.

Realistically the judge would laugh you off and throw you in jail, I guess. But what if you had a powerful enough legal council to demand a clarification of what the nebulous point is where all that changes?

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