Laid Off Voter…

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How bad did the neighbor feel about the other policies being enacted? Did he have empathy when people were being deported, or was he fine until the leopard came for his face? You get what you voted for

The people who voted for Trump and are now suffering from his bad policies do NOT care about “better politics”. They are perfectly fine with Trump’s policies harming people, they just don’t like that they are the ones being harmed. Stop pretending these are people that can be convinced to care about others.

I can do both. I don’t feel bad for them.

Judging by their voting record, petty cruelty is clearly very appealing to them. Just speaking their language.

If that were the case Trump 2016 would have been enough for America

Sorry chief

Some folks don’t learn by carrot or stick

They literally only understand stick

It’s not their genetics or anything, it’s a fundamental mental shift of “I don’t care about anything unless it affects me”

Whelp…there it is

I get it but also ehhhhh fuck em. Trump was very clear on who he was and what he stood for (very little) from the get go. These people voted for him knowing that and hoped it would be other people getting fucked over instead of them.

I don’t have the patience or diction to change their politics. I’m sure they’ll find a scapegoat other than Trump for why their life is falling apart

If they could see reality, and facts made an impact, then yeah. Problem is, they probably still will kneel down to suck him off even when the economy implodes with 10% unemployment and 15% interest rates similar to end of 70s early 80s

I’m actually good spending a bit of time rubbing it in their faces. We were screaming this shit at the top of our lungs for a long while before any voting happened.

Counter point: fuck them, they’re the reason we’re in this nightmare. Most of this country has to live with the repercussions of their stupidity. They should’ve be smarter and they deserve what they get, they asked for this.

No fuck them.

Nah. Fuck him. We’re in a FAFO era now. These people need hard lessons apparently, because we’ve TRIED the other approach for decades now. But they REALLY want to touch the hot stove.

So fuck it. Touch the stove. See if I fucking care.

I think that problem is that this time it was a jump too far for many. Siding with literal Nazis isn’t something that should be forgiven. Too long have we hid behind free speech = free from consequences. This time, no, we don’t want to forgive them. They voted to make the United States a worse place for a lot of people. They voted to hurt women, people who have a different race, religions other than evangelical Christians, cultures, and sexual orientation. Many say it was to lower prices, but it isn’t believable anymore. They wanted a country that helped them and hurt others. Too many people pointed out all the issues with everything Trump said and stands for and they didn’t care. These people have chosen to go against the principles this country had come to stand for in order to just “own the libs”. I have no sympathy left for Nazi sympathizers. They knew she chose to support them. They decided to ally with the people the United States and the world fought a war against.

Person gets burnt after touching something hot after repeatedly being told it’s too hot to touch.

“Told you not to touch it, you fucking idiot”

“Aw are you okay?”

Which sounds more natural?

I can multitask.

These people don’t care how many others get hurt as long as it doesn’t effect them. Fuck them.

I don’t get this argument. These people only respond to strength. Look at how the gop has shit on them for decades and still they want more. If anything, people should be even more aggressive pointing this out, maybe they’ll respect the attack and change their minds. They’re the losers who want the bully to like them. So be the bully.

We rub into their faces because they voted for the orange moron 3 times!! Harness what? We have been trying to educate these people since 2017 and they are still in the cult of Trump. FAFO

They got what they voted for, it was made abundantly clear what would happen and those warnings were mocked as liberal tears.

Rub his face in it …. I would be petty enough to put a sign on my front lawn stating something like ” enjoy the unemployment trump voters”

If they’re going to burn down what we have, forcing us to start over for scratch, they aren’t invited to the next dinner party. 

Excise the cancer.

I just love this approach. You wanted him to fuck over women, minorities, and LGBTQ folks and I’m supposed to cry when his smooth brained policies backfired on you? Something something chickens, something something roost.. nvm I forgot how the quote goes

Hold on, let me tune my 🎻

I’m so sick of these sanctimonious assholes lecturing us.

Democratic politicians have spent my entire life bending over backwards to soothe the fee-fees of these assholes, and what did they get for it? All they got was all sorts of lies and abuse. Harris ran an extremely polite and conciliatory campaign, and they stuff they said about her… we’re not talking about simple name-calling. It was down-and-dirty, vulgar stuff.

And you know what? Those Dem politicians will continue to keep playing nicey-nicey with these assholes. There’s no shortage of people in the Democratic Party who are willing to shake hands and soothe fee-fees with these assholes.

So, instead of lecturing us, Mr. Orejel, how about you go put your theories to work? Lecturing us is just performative bs so you can pretend you’re doing something. Instead of spending your precious moments in the day lecturing us, how about you go out to deep-red territory and put your nicey-nicey theories to the test?

Why? This is exactly what they asked for. They’re happy about this shit.

Edit: I had some time to think about this, I stand by what I said. We’re well within our rights to be angry at these people. The ones that don’t care will continue to not care. And screw all of them.

But… some people were deceived. I can acknowledge that. I’m still pissed at them for getting deceived when all the evidence was right freaking there, and the voted the way they did anyway… but they were told that was a lie. That people like me were just spreading chaos.

Abraham Lincoln is thought of as one of the US’s greatest presidents. And it’s because he held the Us together after a freaking civil war. He aimed to bring the south back into the states. And tried to heal a divided nation. He got shot for his troubles, of course. But:.. I admire that. We haven’t quite hit civil war yet. Hopefully we won’t. But the trump bubble will burst eventually. It might be worth asking ourselves… what then? Do we stay divided?

I want to think we can unite and heal. But Christ… these people say things I’m fundamentally against. Ugh. I hate this timeline

Oh so they lost, went to the capitol, cried about it for years, told us Trump wasn’t going to do what he said he was going to do and now we STILL gotta be the biggest person?

With all due respect, f*ck that sh*t. Since all they understand and are driven by is fear, despair and hate, they’ll get a taste of it, from us and from their daddy Trump. Schadenfreunde time.

If you willingly voted for a 34-time convicted felon, rapist and bigot then you don’t deserve a single shred of sympathy

You made your bed now you can lie in it

I have zero sympathy. Will give zero fucks.

They voted thinking he would only hurt minorities. They FOFO.

The sad reality is that these Trump voters knew the firings were coming. They thought Trump would only fire democrats. Certainly never them the people who love Trump. If Trump were firing only democrats these same idiots would be dancing in the streets at the misfortune of the fired democrats. FAFO

Classic leopards eating faces. Trump voters love it when the leopards the faces of immigrant, liberals, etc but act surprised when the leopards eat their faces.

Sorry, I have no sympathy for these people. We told them, there were ways for them to find the truth, and they just refused because of reasons that blind and ignorant. If they take us down, they come down with us, and they will like it whether hell or high water.

Some people will suffer and lose everything, but that is a sacrifice the great leader is willing to make.

Nah just enjoy the backlash. I feel like it’s the only way, for some people, to learn about consequences.

Or they won’t learn anything from it and they will continue to suffer. I don’t care anymore.

“please be kind to this fascist now that he’s facing the consequences of his own actions” is like the polar opposite of murdered by words

Fuck them. Do you think they have any sympathy for people other than themselves? Only once they’re affected personally.

Fuck each of these cunts

Aw is the “cant hurt my feelings” crowd gonna get their feelings hurt?

As a non American, a tone who didn’t actively vote for Kamala Harris deserves whatever Trump does to them. Actions (and inaction) have consequences.

Why would Biden do this? /s

I disagree with this.

We have to let these people know they voted for this when we told them this would happen. Maybe they’ll listen to us next time. We told them this would happen, the uber commie left mainstream media said this would happen, the experts said this would happen. They laughed at us, called us snowflakes, and voted to trigger us and own the libs.

They need to learn to listen and accept that maybe we were telling the truth and aren’t some shady underground pizza cabal or whatever.

Nah. I’m face rubbing.

Can’t we do both?

There is no Fucking Around with out the Finding Out. That’s why it’s FAFO. This is the FO stage.

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