The Plan – Gator Days (OC)

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Three best friends? Looks like she’s already wealthy

And now, the Giant Cat will scale the castle walls, get us to the vault door, sleep in front of the door while we get all the jewels, gold and snacks, then we escape on their back into the forest!


I appreciate how Grace still drew Ember with her wicked eyes and smile. Grace knows that Ember is always plotting.

I’m curious on Bolero’s opinion in regards to the plan.

A plan that can not fail!


Once Grace becomes a world famous artist, I’m sure Ember will be a proud grandma!

Best laid plans..

I need those plans so I can get rich and famous too!

Ember spin-off when?

All she needs is that cat sitting in her lap, stroking it and contemplating her plan coming together. Who says you can’t be henchmen and friends at the same time?

This little girl is destined to rule the world on force of personality alone.

That’s a pretty good plan. Should get a cat for my own rich plans

How is the elephant holding the crayon

It’s the best plan for a day ever

Just gotta break into the zoo, first!

Will the cat aid in her world domination plans though?

She is appeased!

Wouldn’t the cat be sentient too

I want her to be my boss.

Fame comes and goes, money stays in the earth, but true friends are eternal and invaluable.

Grace absolutely nailed their expressions too

Oh no, the plan to money and fame been lost.

Always love these comics!

So quick question. Was it intentional for Grace not to include the “to”? Dunno if it’s her speech pattern or if it’s an actual typo lol

Man, I love your comics. They’re great

Photo is proof they are already rich in friendship

Wait everyone’s a talking animal but there are also pet animals?

Are goofy and pluto in this universe?

Not very funny…but I guess you’re going for the cute wholesome thing that people on Reddit eat up?

Wait a sec… is the cat also sentient!?

Is she the type of friend that would fabricate evidence that your Ex had illegal possession of a firearm because they cheated on you

They have cats? Is this a Mickey Mouse situation where both his best friend and his pet are dogs?

I love when you check the comments and there are bonus panels! It’s like I am getting away with something!

Bucketmann only wishes he could pet a cat that big!

Ok so is the giant cat also anthropomorphic? Or is just like a housecat? Because this could get kinda weird.

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