Throwback to 2011 when these two protested for Half-Life 3 outside Valve HQ… and we’re still waiting.

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Why does Gabe look like a cryptid caught on camera in so many photos?

Gabes got the biggest “you seeing this shit” face

Why does 2011 look like 1997?

Somebody should recreate this picture with Halloween skeleton decorations dressed as these guys, remake the signs and put them in the same spot.

I wonder. Where are these two right now?

I missed Canada 2 and 3!

Canada 4 came out before half life 3

Maybe its taking so long because they got george RR martin writing the story for half life 3 and he just needs 1 more year

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My god, it’s been 20 years

I love that Gabe personally went over to take a look, lol

Protest by definition means to be against something.

Praise GabeN!

mmm lunch

When will someone protest for left 4 dead 3?

Honestly, I’m waiting for Left 4 Dead 3

R u ready 4 a mircul?!?

Good guy Canada… 🙂

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we’re gonna get GTA VI before HL3

Please tell me Gabe reenacted the thingy where Kevin Smith protested how own movie “Dogma.”

I’m still alive and ill waiting! 20 years waiting and can wait more!

So like, what does valve do these days anyway? As a development studio what happened to all of their designers?

When will someone protest for left 4 dead 3?

Rumour has it the two guys were forced by valve to make half life 3 they had no experience so it’s taking them a while

Ah yes, when people still believed.

Half life 3 did come out. It was released on March 23 2020.

I’m nearly 40. Almost half my life I’ve been waiting for Half-Life 3. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that Half-Life 2 is over 2 decades old now.

There is no doubt in my mind that it’s coming! Valve loves Half Life! They even made an incredibly good one for maybe the riskiest format, VR.

Alyx was 3

2 activists and one casino for kids owner

Honestly who would sell Canada to valve in exchange for half life 3. That the trade I wanna see.

Gabe is the most non-millionaire looking millionaire ever

Why 2011 specifically?

I know they don’t owe us anything but it feels disrespectful to the fans, now waiting more than 20 years. They weren’t delayed by a lack of money. They don’t need to find a publisher. They just didn’t want to finish the story they started, even with it being one of the most anticipated games of all time and guaranteed money.

Edit: Not enough downvotes – tell your family and friends to help bury me. I didn’t expect it to be that unpopular, or even a little unpopular. A Valve guy in the anniversary documentary even expressed regret that they didn’t go back to finish HL2 Ep3 and release that. They had the opportunity and decided not to. Anyways, one more example of me trying to contribute to a discussion and getting mass negged and auto-hidden while spam and memes rise to the top. Makes me again consider just not talking to people online. Reddit can be useful for gathering answers to questions but it’s not a place to discuss topics if you ever say something that disagrees with the hivemind of a particular sub.

whos the fat guy laughing?

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