What Exactly Was He Expecting?

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It’s weird that an interviewer would waste an hour of their time before introducing a deal-breaker like that. Would be far more efficient to start with the salary, and if the interviewee stays, then it’s a reasonable investment of time.

Many employers and people hope that you don’t know your self-worth

People like that aren’t accustomed to being called on their bullshit. And he’s right. It’s a great feeling to be used as such a karmic instrument.

I interviewed for a job and got it. Went in for the orientation. I was told I’ll be making significant less than the job announcement stated. I walked out of there.

Genuine question, what aspect of this is a rare insult to you, OP? What specifically?

Reminds me of this. Some years ago I felt strongly that it was time to ask for a raise. My direct boss, the CEO, said no, there were no funds to afford a raise. I said okay, thank you. I found another job shortly after. When I went to give my two weeks’ notice to the CEO, he told me to name my price for a raise, he desperately needed me to stay. Guess he magically found the funds. I went to the new job. Prick.

Not an insult, common repost, and I’m not entirely convinced this even really happened to begin with.

Where’s the insult?

As a KM for a fast casual place. I went for an interview at a fancy hotel to run their kitchen. The interviewer kept flipping my app over looking at what I currently made. After an hour he offered me the job. For about 10k less than I was making. He even tried to talk to his boss to get me more. I said I would take the pay and assume it’s for just 40 hours. He said no its 50 to 55 hrs a week. 50 + hours is typical for restaurant management. I was so made I walked around the city for a good hour to cool off. Pay should be the first part of an interview.

I won’t even do an interview without a real range.

We have really lost sight of our own value and that of others.

If we valued ourselves as a community, we wouldn’t have fallen for things like managed care. All that does is create boondoggle jobs that we hate. Everyone is a middleman instead of doing something of real value.

Employers have gotten a little too used to being the only option for folks sometimes.

At least they’re finally understanding how the free market works now.

I got the “Sometimes things get crazy around here and I yell a lot, but at the end of the day we are all one big family here” at the end of an interview. I ghosted that guy like he was a first date who talked about nothing but his exes.

This reminds me of that time I applied for a part time job that paid decently 30 mins away from home, 20 hours a week, 4 times a week, and when I went to the interview the owner said “great, thanks for coming in. The opening is for a full time position in this city two and a half hours away. It is an 80 hour week position, you don’t get paid for lunch, and it is 6 days a week.”

I thanked the guy and left, Dude was SHOCKED that I refused a job that would take 18 hours from my day 6 days a week.

Snatched all the power away from him with just 3 little words

Saw a recent LinkedInLunatics post from a company director who said they led applicants along until they were so invested in being hired that they accepted the terrible pay just to get a job. I hope they all get their consequences

Something similar to this happened to me when I started at my current company. At the final interview the interviewer said thst based on my salary expectations they couldn’t afford me. Which I understood at the time as “i want to hire you but I can’t/don’t want to pay you what you’re asking”. I really wanted the job at the time, so I did what I figured she wanted and gave a little speech about how I was willing to take a small pay cut to get in at a place where I could stay and grow. Got hired the next day.

Joke was on her, though, she was basing her statement on my resume, where I had bumped up my then current pay rates about 15% from what I wanted. So, all in all, it worked out.

What’s the insult?

I’ve asked right up front if the salary isnt posted. I just say “so we dont waste each others time”. Usually goes pretty well. Atleast then they know Im serious and value my time. If they have an issue with the question, chances are it was not gonna be a good fit anyways.

It’s fine that it only pays 30k but what an ass to add “so if you’re looking for a job that pays better, look elsewhere” that is an Ahole move.

“OK I will” counts as a rare insult now?

30k a year? What currency is this

I’m not bragging here but I’m 40 I grew up in kitchens forked my way from dishwasher at 15 to a chef/manager/whipping boy by 27, had some breaks on government funded vacation for 6 months but mostly kitchen work, left the restaurant biz moved to HVAC, well finally I was like imma strike out on my own during Covid, needed some extra cash went to a restaurant and handed my resume to the manager and asked for the dishwashing position he glanced at it looked at me, and straight up said “ I think you are over qualified for this job” my response was “ thats good right?” I didn’t get the job.

Now at first I was like what the fuck, then when I got to my truck o felt pretty damn good….

Here is something I have noticed in the past year or so of looking for jobs, it appears you can age out of a job you might be awesome at, makes sense younger folks easier to mold, or coach and don’t have to many experiences with terrible management and will probably put up with more bullshit than folks at my age. With that being said as you get older depending it might be come difficult to find employment in some sectors. No one told me that when I was younger and i probably wouldn’t have listened, take that as you will.

😂 amazing

error 404: Insult not found

That’s the first thing I do in an interview is ask ‘what is the salary range?’ If it doesn’t fit in my window I politely say ‘I don’t think I’d be interested’ and move on.

I’m not participating in any interview if you can’t tell me the salary range. Why waste everyone’s time?

I had a scheduled job interview last month. I got a call from them the day before the interview that they were dropping the hourly rate by $16 per hour. I responded by telling them to pound sand

Did an interview where the company told me I’d be paid $20k less than the going rate. When they asked me what I wanted to be doing in 5 years, I told them “making more money. Then they got that cat-butt expression, like I had offended them. Still makes me laugh.

Been posted for some time. Likely fake. Often companies HR team will at least ensure the salary expectations align before getting to the interview stage otherwise it does waste everyone’s time. Also, salary ranges should be posted so applicants don’t have to waste their time.

Awesome! Good for you, you deserve more and you know yourself.


That guy wasn’t even qualified for his job of giving you a job.

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