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Bill Burr is going full George Carlin.

What we need right now.

Joe has the intellect of a cumstain

The difference is that Bill knows he isn’t an expert on things, and has the humility to not run his mouth like he is one. And he ain’t even all that humble, it’s just basic sense

Joe would let Elon fuck him in the ass with enough encouragement. Zero doubt in my mind.

Oh joe, a wet cardboard box has more intelligence than yourself.

Rogan is the biggest sell out maybe of all time.

So he amassed a fortune of $400 billion by not wanting more money? Wow, that’s the most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard.

Joe Rogan: the guy who isn’t an engineer or rocket scientist but plays one on the internet and was born in to obscene wealth…. That guy is a genius….

That’s pretty good. My only suggestion would be adding a lot more semen on Rogan’s chin.

Did he REALLY say all that about Musk??? Wow.

Elon musk is objectively stealing our money. He literally cancelled government contacts to now create new contacts with his own businesses. 

Suck that cock, Joe! Suck it

Even if you’ve drank the Kool-Aid on Musk being a genius that Rogan quote is bonkers. Let’s say Musk is being treated unfairly by these agencies, so Rogan is totally fine with Musk moving in and wiping them out?

Being realistic Musk has done some very shady shit to build his business empire. He’s not this benevolent genius people think he is. He’s a billionaire who wants to have even greater freedom to operate his businesses. These three letters government agencies (flawed as they may be) are some of our only defenses against the shit these billionaires want to do. Imagine how much environmental damage SpaceX can do without proper oversight?

If Musk showed that he isn’t trying to profit and has removed himself any potential conflicts then maybe I’d be on board with this whole scheme he’s cooking. However that’s not at all the case and Rogan is basically saying this. Just this week the FAA is going to start using Starlink instead of Verizon, saying Starlink is better. That’s very convenient for Musk….

Wow, hard to believe Rogan is licking boots again.

At least Joe can admit Elon is a psychopath. That at the minimum we can agree on.

Been waiting for a while for someone to start speaking truth, picking up Hicks’ and Carlin’s mantle. Couldn’t be happier that it’s Burr. Love to see it.

👏bullet👏to👏the👏head👏 – hopefully i replied in boomer style

I never thought much of Rogan, but then I heard a clip where he was like, “Joe Biden said what??? Oh, it’s over. It’s over for him. You can’t come back from something like that. Game over for Biden,” and his producer interrupted to correct him, no, Trump said the thing you’re talking. Rogan didn’t miss a beat and goes, “Oh, well that’s no problem,” and moved on to the next. I thought he was dense, I hadn’t realized that he is an actual (and probably paid) propagandist.

Patrice or Norm are the GOAT.

Bill burr is rich too.

Been listening to Joe for a few years now and I still think he’s a pretty interesting guy. He actively admits that he is wrong often and corrects himself and says that you shouldn’t take his opinion as gospel and to do your own research. Is open to taking on controversial guests to hear their side of the story.

Years of subject matter experts bringing forth the experience in their field onto an uncensored platform where we can listen for multiple hours at a time. Through his podcasts i have learned a substantial amount of cool info, not from Rogan but his guests.

I think Joe does a good job at trying to seek the truth, whether or not you agree with him or the politics, i think that is what he is aiming for is discovery and shining light into dark corners.

Aren’t Burr and Rogan friends?

Bill friends with Joe tho lol. Reddit loves to think they are enemies

Is that a real Rogan quote? I’m not doubting it, but it’s just an insane take on the situation. I mean I shouldn’t be surprised

The cognitive dissonance of people like Joe is astounding. You truly have to wonder if he lives in reality or not. I’d argue that he doesn’t and he’s operating on false consciousness

Bill definitely has some quotes… Many that would outrage Reddit. I wouldn’t listen to him or Rogan when it comes to advice.

Bill Burr has a net worth of 20M and I bet he uses good and services from the people he says need to be put down.

I do like his comedy.

Joe Rogan is one of the dumbest people in America, which means he’s one of the dumbest people in the world. I really do not understand why anyone would listen to him after 2019.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Joe Rogan is a fucking gas station hot dog. 

I’m so proud of Bill and so is the late great BILL HICKS.

Yeah, and Joe Rogan isn’t even funny. I don’t even know why some of these comedians were talking about woke culture it’s actually they’re just sad people that aren’t very funny and needed an excuse or a scapegoat for that fact

rogan will always be the idiot in a room alone and from fear factor.

Hands down Bill Burr

every picture with Rogan looks like he’s trying not to shit himself

Elon (and the others) have their billions because they already stole our money.

well i think joe is being rational while bill is being irrational. its not the billionaires fault, its ours for letting em run everything since the creation. we put people who are successful above people who aren’t. now a sane country wouldnt let ur net profit get above a certain limit without paying more taxes, but us dumb dumbs let them change the rules cuz we said oh yeah cuz they paid, analogy, 100million n taxes they should get 10%cuts or whatever. no keep it percentage, so earning more than a certian amount becomes a net negative. its not killing growth its capping it so someone else can enjoy that market to and companies innovate from there vs giving all the wealth to the CEOs. I think* 100% reason they are doing this now is cuz they think the gravy train is gonna end at anytime so they jus keep killing the world more with greed.

edit:i think

No other species on the plant would tolerate this amount of hoarding in its communities. They would kill and eat them.

Joe is less sharp than a soggy cornflake

Joe is a wash up. Burr is boss.

Bill’s statement should apply to those sucking on the assholes of said rabid dogs.

I’ve never been in the Rogan camp, I believe him when he says he knows nothing.

Joe rogans podcast has just become a gateway for these ghouls to humanize themselves. “Aren’t they great”-Rogan

rogan saying “elon doesnt need anymore money, he isnt gonna steal from you.” is amazing considering he is a fucking toe worth over 100 million dollars and still finds time to sell out and shill his bullshit snake oil and suck off billionaires on his propaganda platform.

Fuck Rogan and his whole POS crew!

Also on just actually being funny as fuck Billy has this one. Joe Rogaine gets less laughs than Hepatitis B

Joe is a way better comedian than he is a thinker. And that’s no compliment to his comedy.

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