Fell for it again

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Oh wow! The convicted rapist who hung out with a sex trafficker is also friends with people who are also rapists and sex traffickers. Who could’ve seen this coming!?!

Abby voted for a rapist and then is SHOCKED! SHOCKED! I say that he aids his fellow rapists?

Please make it make sense.

Now ask Abby if she’d choose a trans person or the Tate brothers to babysit for her, and watch her head explode.

Trump is literally a predator. These people think there is nothing wrong in having sex without consent because why cant they. Or they think what they are doing isnt assault- the women probably wanted it.

So you voted for the rapist instead of the cop.. and are surprised about this?

Silly person.

The sex criminal released other sex criminals. Also, the grass is green and water is wet.

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Correction: you voted for an administration that said they would stop human trafficking, they said a lot of things, and they were mostly lies. That’s the nature of the power hungry and greedy. They didn’t get where they are by telling the truth and sharing.

Abby Libby took the rapist off the street and put him in the White House.

Who could possibly have predicted? After all Trump was definitely an unknown quantity in 2024.

How long until he’s given a government job. I heard it’s a requirement to be a rapist in order to be on Trump’s cabinet

Stunning? Really? At this point nothing will surprise me.

He could literally stand up and say, “Ukraine started the war, they attacked Russia”. And people will believe him. Wait a sec…

Slowly, but surely, they’re arriving at the “find out” stage.

I voted for a rapist and he supports rapist? That can’t be possible.


Imagine believing someone who finds rape to be ok is going to prosecute other rapists

I voted for someone who ran around with Jeffrey Epstein and has a track record of rape and sexual assault charges and of making creepy remarks about underage girls. I can’t believe he would do this.

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“i voted to get pedophiles and rapists off the streets”

*votes for one*

Or elect a clown, expect a circus.

People who voted for a convicted rapist who brags about sexually assaulting women and has a crazy amount of evidence tying him to Epstein-how are they surprised? What did they think they were voting for? I don’t mean that flippant, but genuinely…this shouldn’t be surprising. Disgusting and very worrisome, but expected.

Trump picked a pedophile to be Attorney General and people are surprised by this.

It’s almost like he’s a pathological liar and only cares about people like himself.

Trump says what gets votes, what he wants to do is a different thing entirely. Suckers

Fool me once, shame on you… fool me twice…. uh… three times… over 10 years… ah, you don’t done fool me again!



To be fair, this administration *did* get a rapist and pedophile off the streets- and straight into the Oval Office.

Someone tell Abby that the Tate brothers are innocent victims of the liberal left media and were persecuted by DEI hires in judicial and law enforcement positions.

Gotta love when they refer to a mandate that Trump didn’t even get…

He got 49.8% of the popular vote he wasn’t even approved of by 50% of the voters and somehow thinks. 1.5% lead over Harris is a mandate (for comparison Biden had triple that difference in 2020 and won more than 50% of the votes and even he didn’t claim he had a mandate)…

You voted for a pedophile rapist.

🎼Oops! I’m stupid again 🎵🎶

You voted for a literal sex offender. Not surprised in the least he did this.

Insert 500 pictures of Trump with Epstein and Maxwell here….

Saying this as a nb Canadian never-Trumper.

Stop using this opportunity to dunk on people. This is the time to coalition build, reach accross the aisle and *play to win.*

This is a person risking social ostracision for stepping outside their echochamber… slapping them the first second they get out is only going to push them back in, and stop others from coming out.

You thought the guy who was BFFs with Epstein was going to do WHAT now?

The only thing stunning here is her stupidity.

“Oh, those tasty, tasty faces.” Said the leopard.

Remember how during the whole Epstein fiasco people were trying to keep the focus on the Clintons? While I’m sure they and other liberal elites were involved, I am certain that was part of a concerted effort to draw attention away from Trump and all the other predators he chums around with

Vote for a Russian, you get a Russian

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Incorrect. It was a perfect Trumpian execution of his consistent lying.
The rest of us that didnt vote for him saw it 100 miles away, where were your eyes?

This is horrible !! Every single person lied to! That is so sad !! Fuck trump and Elon and the whole team!!

Trump sent out mailers that said he’d get rapists off the streets but he himself is still not in prison?

Abby! They’re in the attic! They’re calling from inside the house

Even /r/conservative is railing against this decision

She voted to get rapists and pedophiles off the streets and into the oval office.


Um if she voted for Trump she literally voted for a pedophile and a rapist whom used sex trafficked kids on his best friend’s island . She’s stupid.

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