Why do so many people bring babies fresh out of the womb to Disneyland?

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Or on airplanes. That can’t be good for their fragile little ears.

Probably because of maternity leave. Get paid to go on vacation! Nevermind it’s supposed to be too bond with the little one

Because a newborn’s dream is to meet Mickey Mouse, obviously.😂

Because they want to go but feel they will would be judged. Now it’s for their magical little offspring. Not them.

Moms who have not been able to fit through doors, in the passenger seat, sleep well, etc. during pregnancy:

I finally feel skinny again and I’m not carrying around another human being who’s kicking me in the bladder or my ribs! I want to get out and get some sun, and sit on rides that I couldn’t fit on before.

There’s a reason, and I’m sure someone will tell me it’s a stupid reason, but it’s the reason my cousin’s wife gave to us after she gave birth last year…

Living vicariously through children is an ancient thing.

My boss did this, but it was because he had booked his Disney vacation way in advance, and then found out that his wife was pregnant not long after that.

Disneyland is NOT worth it. To bring a family of 4 for a week, staying at their hotels, eating their food, buying their tickets, prepare to spend at LEAST $10,000

Yeah, I don’t think a new baby will remember anything of the trip, other than the numerous photos that’ll be taken

Kids are free under three at Disney World so you gotta get your money’s worth before you have to pay for them

Kids under 2 get in for free

But if you point this out, you’re accused of saying parents should lock themselves away in isolation

NO. THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID. What I’m saying is that maybe you should WAIT until the baby’s a little older!!!

Have older kids and have to bring the new born

Because they’re well intentioned new parents, and new parents never know what they’re doing.

Everyone’s that it’s impractical (and probably awful for the newborn) but here’s the silver lining – parenting is 99% about effort and 1% skill.

Even if what the parents are doing is dumb today, it’s also a sign they’re trying hard (and the little one will probably turn out alright). ❤️

They just had a baby to justify going to place for children

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