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We made all the moves in our heads and got rejected in every scenario.

I can’t make a move. That’s disrespectful.

I did, relationship didn’t last 

You forgot the first and last time he tried this and got


The fact that this is only aimed at men, when women do this just as often if not more, shows that the problem isn’t really cowardly men. It’s a society where men are expected to always be the pushers and doers. Let’s motivate everyone to go get what they want, regardless of gender. Don’t just make fun of men for not living up to the double standards. 

Their concern is still valid. If you can’t ask people to do things with you you’re going to start questioning yourself like this too.


What’s a crush. I don’t even have those anymore 😂

We have made these moves in the past, they didn’t turn out well. We have learned from our mistakes.

Posted by someone who hasn’t been crushed into lifelessness by the volume of rejections.

Yes because women make it so hard to know if it’s ok to make a move. We are shunned if we try and called a coward if we don’t. Make it make sense.

The expectation of initiative really oughta shift.

I made a move on my crush. She hit me with “I’m not dating right now.” honestly the best way to let a guy down, so long as it’s true. 2 days later I saw her on tinder. If you’re going to shoot someone down by saying you aren’t dating DONT BE ON FUCKING TINDER!!!

All human behavior is learned

To show some interest most will call me a simp. Dating is fucking difficult for men.

Idk man after the 5th or so rejection, you kinda just stop trying. ain’t worth putting yourself through that all the time.

I agree, but it goes both ways. Women liking a guy and making any sort of a move be like: We don’t do that here.

better to stay silent and be thought a creep than open my mouth and remove all doubt, right?

Cant a guy be aromantic in peace anymore

Literally me

Why you gotta call me out like that

I feel VIOLATED here!

Literally me rn

I tried to make some moves but learned that she was crushing really hard on someone else who was also crushing on her so I stepped back

This is so accurate it hurts. It’s hilarious.

Have this dilemma rn, I know she is flirting with me, but I see myself out of her league, I tend to go for ladies that seem more lonely and don’t get a lot of attention..
I mean, if she’s flirting, she digs you, but still.

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