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Literally the reason culture war was started was to distract from class warfare

No one who’s seen a billionaire would say that!

Alice Thompson is a boring old biddy

Homer asking the real question again

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How about no wars? Well, except for class war.

It says no *wars*, we’re allowed to have one.

Alice Thomson Heathcoat-Amory lives in a 100+ year old countryside mansion called Chevithorne Barton that her husband’s great-grandparents were given as a gift.

Nuke the Billionaires

But that is EXACTLY what we should do!

Class war would be perfect, there is way more of us than there are of them.

Na na na na na na na na leaders?

Well, the kids have to learn about Class War sooner or later!


Stolen billions can buy many elections.

Culture war benefits the rich. Class war benefits proletariat (aka all of us commoners). So which side are you on?

2 things are both true:

1. Republicans don’t really care about the “culture war” stuff. Fascists blame tiny minorities to obtain wealth and power.

2. Fact #1 does not make the danger any less real and they will definitely kill people for their “culture war”.

If you want to actually practice class warfare, that means standing in solidarity with marginalized people.

People are dying because they can’t afford healthcare while people who have more money than they can spend in a hundred lifetimes are corrupting the government to steal more money from the impoverished.

When I say eat the rich, I mean that very literally. I will broil a calf in front of one of these oligarchs and eat it in front of him while he’s still alive. And I will laugh.

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Do replace culture with class wars it’s the only war we need to be worried about right now

It wouldn’t be replacing it, it already exists all around us. We’ve been in a class war for as long as humans have built societies to live in. The issue is that until recently the wealthy at least *pretended* to care. Now it’s mask off winner takes all attitude and they are making moves to cement their control over all the wealth and power forever more.


Sounds like something someone who wants to keep motherfuckers down would say

But class war is the only real one.

It’s not so much a class war as it’s… I forgot… but the point is… I forgot that too… Marge, you know what I’m talking about. He used to use those guillotines…

I mean they want to have us fighting among ourselves over race, gender and culture. Meanwhile, the real enemy has always been the rich who do anything for more power at the cost of everyone else… Eat the rich

Alice can eat my shorts.

And choke on them.

Alice Thomson is a culture war simp

Remember what they fear

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Sounds like Alice Thomson is a big dum dum.

It’s always been a class war, its just that the other side was playing us against ourselves.

I’ll take a double XL class war please.

Why do Americans have to have a culture war in the first place?

Sounds Ike something a grasshopper would say…

Do. Do. Identify politics denied class. It’s what matters most.

It shouldn’t be a class war.  It should be a war on the corrupt.

Trump admin just faked the release of the Epstein files and passed a budget that puts us in a 1.5 trillion deficit. Republican voters finally seem genuinely aware of something Trump is lying about, so I have (probably foolishly) a tiny sliver of hope.

The culture war is a variation of the “divide and conquer” strategy that has been used by the rich on the rest of us for millennia.

There has has ***ALWAYS*** been class war – waged by the rich on the rest of us, and we rarely fight back.

It has become a no-class war!

Watch me

Translation: “Don’t see the true war that’s been going on under your nose the entire time.”

Saying the quiet part out loud.

Both, both is good

It’s always been a class war

“ Jarvis, check early life on Wikipedia “

Don’t do what Donny Don’t does, says person who definitely doesn’t have any vested interest in subject.


Wonder how much she got paid

That’s exactly what we need to focus on.

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