Since when 1 kg=622 grams?

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idk how it is over there, but if u find this in sweden you will get to keep them and get full refund + maybe some extra for finding an “error” on their part. Stores are not allowed to sell missmatched label/actual units on items.

i wouldnโ€™t be happy if it was 1kg with all the plastic. but thatโ€™s pure theft.

No see when you cook it……………….it gets even less.

Meatballs good until 2026? Is Australia in another year-zone?

I obviously where and how that was sold, but I am pretty sure this is not okay legally speaking. Maybe loke 10g off sure, but almost 400?
What the fuck? I hope you returned to the store and demanded ypur money back.

Thatโ€™s at most 500g when you take it out of the packaging. Are there supposed to be two layers of meatball?

Its australian, the rest of the weight fell off as the package is upside down

A bunch of grocery stores in southern Ontario have been getting caught for selling w weight of packaging includedโ€ฆ paying 39.99 per k/g of plastic and shit

It’s just math based on US units. 1 km = .62 miles, .62 kg = 1 kg, 1 lb = 14 stone, trees = sharks.

I think this is suppose to be 1lb of meatballs. When you subtract the tare mass of the plastic and tray, you should get about 1lb in grams, or 454 grams. That’s a heavy tray from what I’m familiar with in Canada.

My wife weighs the produce and meat we get from Kroger and frequently gets refunds for under weight items.

super common in the US too, our big chains like kroger/albertsons do this constantly, always at least 10-20% lite under on almost all weight-based items for sale.

you’ll see hundreds of stories of people complaining to the store managers about it and getting dismissed, this is almost certainly corp policy for big chains, as less than 1% would ever check.


Since lies was invented ๐Ÿซก

One of my local stores sells rotisserie chickens and the label claimed it was 30 oz. I could tell the bag was light so I took it to the vegetable scale. It was like 22 oz so I didnโ€™t buy it. These stores really try to rob their customers

Yeah 622 grams before cooking… Wait

With the packaging even… this is is just theft at this point.

Zero out your scale first

Probably more like .5kg after removing the packaging.

How is uncooked meat good till next year? That can’t be right.

Can’t you report this? This is crazy!

>Since when 1 kg=622 grams?

Since probably long long before you ever checked.

1kg = 1 kangaroo

Itโ€™s cold okay?!

Wow, that’s even with the packaging.

Bee meat donโ€™t come cheap

Is this a joke? Best before 2026?

You got ripped off. Take that to the store and demand they fix it.

Did you tare it for the container? Because if not then this is surely quite a lot less than 622

This is a misunderstanding of significant figures. It says “1 kg”, not “1.0 kg”.

622 With the packaging too..

And that’s WITH packaging.

It’s Australia, so gravity works a bit different there. Everything being upside down and whatnot

Must have been weighed when it was still on the cow

Damn , even with packing itโ€™s not a kg lol
Straight up robbery

Maybe the packaging makes it lighter?

Meat is mostly water, so if kept frozen for long enough, it can certainly lose that much mass – even through a bit of plastic.

If it hasn’t been kept frozen for an extended period, you just got ripped off.

Rip orfff!

Probably 575grams without packaging

That 1 kg was 622 grams?

I don’t think you’re allowed to do that

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