Passenger forced to sit next to a corpse for 4 hours on a Qatar Airways flight

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That wouldn’t be the worst seat buddy I’ve had on a plane, tbh.

Who got the arm rest?

Not sure what’s worse, sitting next to a corpse or sitting next to a corpse that’s been severely blurred.

How many free miles he get for that?

I mom recently passed away during a transit. This really hits hard. I know the person is a bad situation and don’t know why they weren’t allowed to move but I feel for the family of the person that died……. 😢

Best possible seatmate finalist.

I believe airplane rules dictate that if this happens you are entitled to their armrest

What are they supposed to do?

Happened to me as well but the lady wasn’t directly next to me she was an aisle over.

We did an emergency landing to get the body recovered from the plane

Glad they fuzzed the living passenger out for privacy. Dead guy with headphones on looks freshly dead.. not too bad

Everyone’s making jokes about how the dead person would be a good seatmate but honestly I would be mortified to sit next to them. It is a very UNCOMFORTABLE situation.

The details of this incident are: lady goes to use the lav near their couple, passes out then dies after resuscitation attempts. They tried to move her up the cabin but she was too large. There was an empty seat right there where the couple was sitting, so they put the body there. Apparently, there were other empty seats available which this couple asked to move to but were refused, reasons unknown.

Was he forced?

The crew then tried to wheel the body toward the business class section but were unable to maneuver it through the narrow aisle, Ring said.

“So they looked a bit frustrated and then they just looked at me and saw seats were available beside me… and they just said to me, can you move over please?” he said. “And I just said, ‘yes, no problem,’ and then they placed the lady in the chair that I was in.”

I sense Larry David’s level of life enjoyment here

He better get a coupon for that

Quiet, polite, moderately better hygiene than others, three out of four stars.

Tough one. I suppose it is better than another case where the dead person was stuffed into a toilet for the rest of the trip.

And the dude would NOT STOP TALKING.

Weekend at Bernie’s 3

Is there a 6 feet under club?

Hopefully the bodyfluids stayed inside and the sphincter was still in rigor mortis.

The person in front can lean back and not have him/her complain

Dude what’s playing on yo headphones? Beethoven, cuz dis lady be *decomposing*

What the fuck?

Two meals for this man.

You gunna eat those pretzels?


Sad. There is no respect for the deceased here.

I fly Frontier alot so I’ve seen some things… I would rather sit next to a corpse than the guy who made the entire plane smell like BO, the lady who drowned herself in perfume, the lady with a “2 year old” on her lap, or the guy with two emotional support pitbulls.

i mean if it doesnt smell, really nice seatmate.

Guys dead so he can’t bother you, what’s the big deal?


Junior soprano

Puts the headphones on haha

As long as the fucker doesn’t start yapping!

I can see this working as an SNL sketch.

You sure he’s dead? He’s got headphones on and his eyes are open. Kinda old but I don’t think he’s dead.

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