This resonates with me so much. I love doing nothing. People always judged me for it like some sort of cabal of jealousy and absolute fuckery that started shitting on me the moment I started to enjoy myself.
12 days ago
I had a math teacher get upset I was reading in class after finishing my homework. Threatened to take away my book if I didn’t stop reading, so I sat there for the last 10 minutes of the period starting at the wall. I don’t understand what the problem was
12 days ago
A teacher of mine one contacted my mother to complain that I did a homework assignment in 15min at the end of class. Mom was mad at me too. Couple of bitches.
12 days ago
Someone who is just lazy is someone who doesn’t work
A lazy hardworking person will work hard to make his work more effective and efficient
AKA: they work better so they can do the same amount and quality work but more quickly.
Don’t be lazy
Be a lazy hardworking person
All innovators are.
12 days ago
I remember one of my first times getting scolded in school. I was an overachiever and a very well behaved kid so every time I got in trouble it was very hard on me. I was in third grade and we were doing our first round of standardized testing, we werenโt allowed to bring books of any kind. I finished with over an hour left. I followed the teachers instructions of what we were supposed to do if we finished early, which was to double check our answers and review the entire test. I did it three times and still had over 30 minutes left so I ended up sitting there fiddling with myself. When the test ended, she said out loud to the whole class that we all did great, but that some people needed to work on their test etiquette and singled me out in front of the entire class. Everybody looked at me really shocked because like I said, I never really did anything wrong. She proceeded to shame me so hard for โsitting thereโ instead of checking my answers. I told her I triple checked everything but that I still had so much time left. She got really angry and said that I couldnโt have possibly done well on the test and that she expected better from me. Guess who passed the test with an almost perfect score. The trend of me being shamed for completing tests too fast continued until high school.
12 days ago
That moment when you realize “got in trouble” isn’t reflected on your GPA.
12 days ago
When I was in middle school, my teachers tried to complain to my mom about this. Iโd get classroom done quickly then read or daydream. I was not disruptive.
My mom shut them down. โHas she learned the material? Does she respond when you ask her questions? Is she rude or disruptive?โ
They stopped calling her in after that, and they let me bring educational magazines to class. I read years worth of popular mechanics or popular science
12 days ago
I know that feel. In elementary school, we got a weekly plan with tasks we had to do and some free tasks you could do if you wanted. I was done with my tasks by tuesday and used my free time for fun, since my work was done.
My teacher complained to me and my parents why I didnt/ dont want to do of the free tasks. My answer was, I did what I had to do and can now do what I want, because this was the idea behind this; timemanagement. Plus the free task wasnt any fun.
To this day I dont get what they wanted from me.
12 days ago
Reminds me of an old boss I used to have that would regularly ask if I “put my 8 hours in”.
Motherfucker, I’m salaried, always get my shit done, and regularly travel for work over weekends, holidays, birthdays, whatever. The fuck you worried about 8 hrs for? I bring tens of millions of dollars in revenue to this company every year, on the low end. Suck my balls.
12 days ago
Teachers hate him, employers love him
12 days ago
The problem occurs when you enter the workforce and are told you’re making everyone look bad.
12 days ago
My boss said, โI donโt know if I trust you, you always seem to give the right answersโ.
12 days ago
It was the first days of my sophomore year of college and we are having a round table discussion and the teacher is asking questions and NO ONE is saying a word. So I try to break the ice, start offering answers. IMO even a wrong answer leads to a discussion and new learning. Well after 3 or 4 answers the teacher finally said โyouโre full of answers but youโre always wrong.โ โฆ guess who stopped participating in that classโฆ
12 days ago
It’s not exactly an insult, but a comment that stuck with me. I used to play guitar a bit. I never took it too seriously. But I played with this one kid who was a sweaty hardo about everything. One time before practice we were tuning up. And when I’m done tuning he tells me that I’m still out of tune. I express doubt. And I swear this mf goes “It’s not in tune. It just sounds like it’s in tune.”
12 days ago
Achieving an inferior result with less effort is lazy. Achieving an equivalent result with less effort is efficient.
12 days ago
I hear ya, brother
12 days ago
The teacher assumes you are slacking off and cutting corners to get it done faster, presumably because that is what they do.
12 days ago
But Captainโฆ thatโs my secretโฆ Iโm working even when Iโm doing nothing
I had two similar situations like this. I got a detention because a teacher said I hadn’t put enough effort into my homework despite it covering all the key points of the homework which really pissed me off so in the detention I did the exact same thing and asked her to explain to me what the problem was. I got the whole not enough effort complaint again and sat there for the remainder of the detention doing nothing. My mum made me take foodtec for a GCSE so I never took that lesson seriously, never did the homework did the bare minimum of course work and went into the exam with a G grade lol. I only answered the questions I could be bothered to do and one particular question will stick with me. I can’t remember all the points but the jist of it was that I needed to create a product that could fit in a lunchbox, contain fruit and be appealing to children. I drew an apple and annotated it *Apple* I got 4/6 marks for that because it technically met the criteria for the majority of the question. So in the end I came out with a C in Foodtec and my teacher was furious after telling me that I was going to fail.
I had a history teacher telling me that I should just drop history because I’m wasting my time and hers. The truth is her lessons weren’t engaging and were so rigid around the exam criteria to the point where it felt like we weren’t actually learning history but how the history exam was marked. Her idea of revision was a spelling test on key words we’d learnt the week previously. I’m dyslexic so I would always get the majority of the spellings wrong which she would try and give me detentions for. I would protest and inform her of the words meanings, definitions or significance to the subject but no dice she didn’t care it wasn’t spelt right so I clearly didn’t know. So she told me to drop history and stop wasting both of our time. I told her no I think I’ll keep wasting both of our time. My course work was at a D because she was the one marking it, nitpicking things that in my opinion are irrelevant to the subject such as my writing style. So I went into the exam and absolutely smashed the papers and came out with an A in The American West, an A in Women on the British Homefront and a B in Renaissance Medicine lol. On results day this bitch came up to me and said I bet you were surprised with your results. I looked her in the eye and said I always knew I was going to pass, didn’t you? Then left
12 days ago
When I was in highschool I always worked ahead of my class and got done with my work and homework early so I could just be on my phone (mind you I never got anything below a B) so my teacher assigned me an essay to do, only me, nobody else. When I asked why I was the only one who had to do the essay, he said it was because I was so ahead of the class. I didn’t do it and my grades didn’t suffer at all.
To this day I still don’t understand his logic.
12 days ago
I once got mocked in kindergarten for being literate.
Teacher shamed me for โthinking I was better than everyone else just because I could readโ, so entitled to not be โable to wait for the others, and worked ahead on the worksheet.โ
All because I read the instructions and quietly completed the worksheet while she was still reading it aloud to the class.
Teacher, if you read this, the scene was memorable but your name and face have long vanished from my memory. I no longer experience shame from the memory, as I recognize what a foolish, silly woman you were. I hope you treated other students better the rest of your career than you did me.
12 days ago
This is literally my mindset since 6th grade and I tend to get As and Bs.
12 days ago
I made that exact deal with many teachers. If I could finish my work early I could read my books. Yes I was (and am) a nerd.
12 days ago
There is just something fundamentally different about people like that. After years of me feeling like it was the case I finally got my ex- (no surprise ex- huh) to admit she would literally make up chores for me to do if it seemed like I had been “goofing off” too long. Or, as I liked to call it, “enjoying my life”
Some people just hate that others can enjoy downtime when they themselves must stay busy or apparently die
12 days ago
I had a teacher that got mad because I jumped ahead in the process of the research project my class was working on.
12 days ago
Nobody realizes that school isn’t there to teach you anything but servility to our rich overlords.
12 days ago
Thatโs because people care about obtics. So you was supposed to take it home and do the homework for hours. But you doing the homework right before class is over saves you time and gives you more time to do whatever.
12 days ago
Being lazy is efficiency at its best, and inaction at its worst, being hard working is quality at its best, and redundant at its worst
12 days ago
Thats me at my first โjobโ ever rn
12 days ago
Well if you can be one thing you should be efficient
12 days ago
Or maybe you just did shitty work quickly.
12 days ago
Ah, the protestant work ethic. It doesn’t matter if you’re accomplishing anything, you must be *working.*
12 days ago
Actually thatโs exactly how I describe my professional work style. Iโm a great lazy person because if you gimme a task, Iโm gonna make sure I do it as quick as possible and give you the end result youโre looking for because I donโt wanna have to redo it. I just wanna go back to fucking off.
12 days ago
I was called lazy because I was doing the harder work first so the easy stuff was easier. I was โcaughtโ moving the same light load back and forth, wasting time. When in reality, I was only almost done with the task.
12 days ago
My 4th grade science teacher scolded me because I am a shy kid and don’t usually talk so much, when she asked me some questions which I didn’t know the answer I just stayed quiet and I shrug because I was too shy and afraid that I’ll get scolded for not knowing the answer and instead she said “Don’t just shrug you have to talk, you know this shyness you have will never get you to college. Being like this won’t take you anywhere.” Mind you she said this in front of the whole class and I was standing the whole time and it felt degrading.
And guess what b1tch, I graduated college. I’ll never forget what you’ve done, tables will turn.
12 days ago
School teaches you to be a worker. No customers? How about you mop the floors.
12 days ago
This was me, except once I’d finished all my work I’d get bored and distract everyone else
12 days ago
I mean were you just rushing through and doing your homework poorly? Thatโs what i can think off
12 days ago
Still got to deal with this bullshit. 6 hours of work could be automated into 10 minutes, but it’s “not a productive use of time.”
12 days ago
Got in trouble in school for collecting a bunch of the free pears that came with our lunch trays. People just all put their pears on our table and walked away. We didnt do anything with the pears. Got in trouble for literally just having 10 pears sitting on the table. They stopped serving pears after that.
Looking back at stuff like this just makes you ask what the fuck goes thru these teachers heads
12 days ago
The job is done, what the fuck do they have to complain about? Also I learned to do my job slower at work or I get laden with more work at the same pay while coworkers get less work when I get their share.
12 days ago
Iโm not lazyโฆIโm efficient. I will work harder to automate things or find shortcuts so I can be lazy later. I earned the right to sit here and be lazy by working smarter, not harder.
12 days ago
When I am at work, I get all my work done and also start projects without being asked. I still spend 1/3 of my day or more on sporcle enjoying playing quiz games. I don’t care. I am efficient, I am doing my job and more, I am going to use some of my paid time as “me time”.
12 days ago
A teacher once pulled me out of the class into the hallway and began to scold me about coming to class high and how I better not ever dare do that again. When I tried to interrupt to let him know that I was indeed not high he told me he didnโt care what i had to say because I had disrespected him. I just shook my head in disappointment and sat back down. I went home and told my parents right away and they laughed. My Dad use to be a musician and had his fair share of dabbling in stuff, he knew I had never touched drugs at that point in my life. I was freshman in high school. Oh and the reason he assumed I was on drugs was because my eyes were read and I was joking around with a classmate and laughing too much. I had allergies like really bad it was even in my file at the school. And laughing with my friend is just typical immature teen stuff, wrong place and time for the behavior but I was 14. Lol no one was high. That teacher always had a giant stick up his ass.
12 days ago
Work smarter, not harder.
12 days ago
Well rushing to finish with really bad results to just sit there is lazy. Itโs not being focused and doing your best work. If you got all the answers correct and it was neatly done then I donโt see the problem.
12 days ago
I work at an elementary school 9 times out of 10 the ” my teacher got mad I finished early because they are stupid” actually translates to ” I rush through my assignment, didn’t show my work, didn’t do all the steps and was distracting the other students trying to work”
12 days ago
For half a year I had a teacher who got it. Gave me all the assignments at the start of the day and as long as I had everything turned in on time and my grades were good I had unlimited library access with reading in class privileges. Before that I had huge problems with neglecting work because busywork is excruciating and I was going to have to sit through class bored anyway.
12 days ago
My architecture professor called me an idiot savant because my model showed her something about the space that she hadn’t seen before (it was a recreation of a building she had assigned in the studio for years), but I did it in cardboard.
This resonates with me so much. I love doing nothing. People always judged me for it like some sort of cabal of jealousy and absolute fuckery that started shitting on me the moment I started to enjoy myself.
I had a math teacher get upset I was reading in class after finishing my homework. Threatened to take away my book if I didn’t stop reading, so I sat there for the last 10 minutes of the period starting at the wall. I don’t understand what the problem was
A teacher of mine one contacted my mother to complain that I did a homework assignment in 15min at the end of class. Mom was mad at me too. Couple of bitches.
Someone who is just lazy is someone who doesn’t work
A lazy hardworking person will work hard to make his work more effective and efficient
AKA: they work better so they can do the same amount and quality work but more quickly.
Don’t be lazy
Be a lazy hardworking person
All innovators are.
I remember one of my first times getting scolded in school. I was an overachiever and a very well behaved kid so every time I got in trouble it was very hard on me. I was in third grade and we were doing our first round of standardized testing, we werenโt allowed to bring books of any kind. I finished with over an hour left. I followed the teachers instructions of what we were supposed to do if we finished early, which was to double check our answers and review the entire test. I did it three times and still had over 30 minutes left so I ended up sitting there fiddling with myself. When the test ended, she said out loud to the whole class that we all did great, but that some people needed to work on their test etiquette and singled me out in front of the entire class. Everybody looked at me really shocked because like I said, I never really did anything wrong. She proceeded to shame me so hard for โsitting thereโ instead of checking my answers. I told her I triple checked everything but that I still had so much time left. She got really angry and said that I couldnโt have possibly done well on the test and that she expected better from me. Guess who passed the test with an almost perfect score. The trend of me being shamed for completing tests too fast continued until high school.
That moment when you realize “got in trouble” isn’t reflected on your GPA.
When I was in middle school, my teachers tried to complain to my mom about this. Iโd get classroom done quickly then read or daydream. I was not disruptive.
My mom shut them down. โHas she learned the material? Does she respond when you ask her questions? Is she rude or disruptive?โ
They stopped calling her in after that, and they let me bring educational magazines to class. I read years worth of popular mechanics or popular science
I know that feel. In elementary school, we got a weekly plan with tasks we had to do and some free tasks you could do if you wanted. I was done with my tasks by tuesday and used my free time for fun, since my work was done.
My teacher complained to me and my parents why I didnt/ dont want to do of the free tasks. My answer was, I did what I had to do and can now do what I want, because this was the idea behind this; timemanagement. Plus the free task wasnt any fun.
To this day I dont get what they wanted from me.
Reminds me of an old boss I used to have that would regularly ask if I “put my 8 hours in”.
Motherfucker, I’m salaried, always get my shit done, and regularly travel for work over weekends, holidays, birthdays, whatever. The fuck you worried about 8 hrs for? I bring tens of millions of dollars in revenue to this company every year, on the low end. Suck my balls.
Teachers hate him, employers love him
The problem occurs when you enter the workforce and are told you’re making everyone look bad.
My boss said, โI donโt know if I trust you, you always seem to give the right answersโ.
It was the first days of my sophomore year of college and we are having a round table discussion and the teacher is asking questions and NO ONE is saying a word. So I try to break the ice, start offering answers. IMO even a wrong answer leads to a discussion and new learning. Well after 3 or 4 answers the teacher finally said โyouโre full of answers but youโre always wrong.โ โฆ guess who stopped participating in that classโฆ
It’s not exactly an insult, but a comment that stuck with me. I used to play guitar a bit. I never took it too seriously. But I played with this one kid who was a sweaty hardo about everything. One time before practice we were tuning up. And when I’m done tuning he tells me that I’m still out of tune. I express doubt. And I swear this mf goes “It’s not in tune. It just sounds like it’s in tune.”
Achieving an inferior result with less effort is lazy. Achieving an equivalent result with less effort is efficient.
I hear ya, brother
The teacher assumes you are slacking off and cutting corners to get it done faster, presumably because that is what they do.
But Captainโฆ thatโs my secretโฆ Iโm working even when Iโm doing nothing
-formerly smart, chronically exhausted, adult diagnosed ADHD
I had two similar situations like this. I got a detention because a teacher said I hadn’t put enough effort into my homework despite it covering all the key points of the homework which really pissed me off so in the detention I did the exact same thing and asked her to explain to me what the problem was. I got the whole not enough effort complaint again and sat there for the remainder of the detention doing nothing. My mum made me take foodtec for a GCSE so I never took that lesson seriously, never did the homework did the bare minimum of course work and went into the exam with a G grade lol. I only answered the questions I could be bothered to do and one particular question will stick with me. I can’t remember all the points but the jist of it was that I needed to create a product that could fit in a lunchbox, contain fruit and be appealing to children. I drew an apple and annotated it *Apple* I got 4/6 marks for that because it technically met the criteria for the majority of the question. So in the end I came out with a C in Foodtec and my teacher was furious after telling me that I was going to fail.
I had a history teacher telling me that I should just drop history because I’m wasting my time and hers. The truth is her lessons weren’t engaging and were so rigid around the exam criteria to the point where it felt like we weren’t actually learning history but how the history exam was marked. Her idea of revision was a spelling test on key words we’d learnt the week previously. I’m dyslexic so I would always get the majority of the spellings wrong which she would try and give me detentions for. I would protest and inform her of the words meanings, definitions or significance to the subject but no dice she didn’t care it wasn’t spelt right so I clearly didn’t know. So she told me to drop history and stop wasting both of our time. I told her no I think I’ll keep wasting both of our time. My course work was at a D because she was the one marking it, nitpicking things that in my opinion are irrelevant to the subject such as my writing style. So I went into the exam and absolutely smashed the papers and came out with an A in The American West, an A in Women on the British Homefront and a B in Renaissance Medicine lol. On results day this bitch came up to me and said I bet you were surprised with your results. I looked her in the eye and said I always knew I was going to pass, didn’t you? Then left
When I was in highschool I always worked ahead of my class and got done with my work and homework early so I could just be on my phone (mind you I never got anything below a B) so my teacher assigned me an essay to do, only me, nobody else. When I asked why I was the only one who had to do the essay, he said it was because I was so ahead of the class. I didn’t do it and my grades didn’t suffer at all.
To this day I still don’t understand his logic.
I once got mocked in kindergarten for being literate.
Teacher shamed me for โthinking I was better than everyone else just because I could readโ, so entitled to not be โable to wait for the others, and worked ahead on the worksheet.โ
All because I read the instructions and quietly completed the worksheet while she was still reading it aloud to the class.
Teacher, if you read this, the scene was memorable but your name and face have long vanished from my memory. I no longer experience shame from the memory, as I recognize what a foolish, silly woman you were. I hope you treated other students better the rest of your career than you did me.
This is literally my mindset since 6th grade and I tend to get As and Bs.
I made that exact deal with many teachers. If I could finish my work early I could read my books. Yes I was (and am) a nerd.
There is just something fundamentally different about people like that. After years of me feeling like it was the case I finally got my ex- (no surprise ex- huh) to admit she would literally make up chores for me to do if it seemed like I had been “goofing off” too long. Or, as I liked to call it, “enjoying my life”
Some people just hate that others can enjoy downtime when they themselves must stay busy or apparently die
I had a teacher that got mad because I jumped ahead in the process of the research project my class was working on.
Nobody realizes that school isn’t there to teach you anything but servility to our rich overlords.
Thatโs because people care about obtics. So you was supposed to take it home and do the homework for hours. But you doing the homework right before class is over saves you time and gives you more time to do whatever.
Being lazy is efficiency at its best, and inaction at its worst, being hard working is quality at its best, and redundant at its worst
Thats me at my first โjobโ ever rn
Well if you can be one thing you should be efficient
Or maybe you just did shitty work quickly.
Ah, the protestant work ethic. It doesn’t matter if you’re accomplishing anything, you must be *working.*
Actually thatโs exactly how I describe my professional work style. Iโm a great lazy person because if you gimme a task, Iโm gonna make sure I do it as quick as possible and give you the end result youโre looking for because I donโt wanna have to redo it. I just wanna go back to fucking off.
I was called lazy because I was doing the harder work first so the easy stuff was easier. I was โcaughtโ moving the same light load back and forth, wasting time. When in reality, I was only almost done with the task.
My 4th grade science teacher scolded me because I am a shy kid and don’t usually talk so much, when she asked me some questions which I didn’t know the answer I just stayed quiet and I shrug because I was too shy and afraid that I’ll get scolded for not knowing the answer and instead she said “Don’t just shrug you have to talk, you know this shyness you have will never get you to college. Being like this won’t take you anywhere.” Mind you she said this in front of the whole class and I was standing the whole time and it felt degrading.
And guess what b1tch, I graduated college. I’ll never forget what you’ve done, tables will turn.
School teaches you to be a worker. No customers? How about you mop the floors.
This was me, except once I’d finished all my work I’d get bored and distract everyone else
I mean were you just rushing through and doing your homework poorly? Thatโs what i can think off
Still got to deal with this bullshit. 6 hours of work could be automated into 10 minutes, but it’s “not a productive use of time.”
Got in trouble in school for collecting a bunch of the free pears that came with our lunch trays. People just all put their pears on our table and walked away. We didnt do anything with the pears. Got in trouble for literally just having 10 pears sitting on the table. They stopped serving pears after that.
Looking back at stuff like this just makes you ask what the fuck goes thru these teachers heads
The job is done, what the fuck do they have to complain about? Also I learned to do my job slower at work or I get laden with more work at the same pay while coworkers get less work when I get their share.
Iโm not lazyโฆIโm efficient. I will work harder to automate things or find shortcuts so I can be lazy later. I earned the right to sit here and be lazy by working smarter, not harder.
When I am at work, I get all my work done and also start projects without being asked. I still spend 1/3 of my day or more on sporcle enjoying playing quiz games. I don’t care. I am efficient, I am doing my job and more, I am going to use some of my paid time as “me time”.
A teacher once pulled me out of the class into the hallway and began to scold me about coming to class high and how I better not ever dare do that again. When I tried to interrupt to let him know that I was indeed not high he told me he didnโt care what i had to say because I had disrespected him. I just shook my head in disappointment and sat back down. I went home and told my parents right away and they laughed. My Dad use to be a musician and had his fair share of dabbling in stuff, he knew I had never touched drugs at that point in my life. I was freshman in high school. Oh and the reason he assumed I was on drugs was because my eyes were read and I was joking around with a classmate and laughing too much. I had allergies like really bad it was even in my file at the school. And laughing with my friend is just typical immature teen stuff, wrong place and time for the behavior but I was 14. Lol no one was high. That teacher always had a giant stick up his ass.
Work smarter, not harder.
Well rushing to finish with really bad results to just sit there is lazy. Itโs not being focused and doing your best work. If you got all the answers correct and it was neatly done then I donโt see the problem.
I work at an elementary school 9 times out of 10 the ” my teacher got mad I finished early because they are stupid” actually translates to ” I rush through my assignment, didn’t show my work, didn’t do all the steps and was distracting the other students trying to work”
For half a year I had a teacher who got it. Gave me all the assignments at the start of the day and as long as I had everything turned in on time and my grades were good I had unlimited library access with reading in class privileges. Before that I had huge problems with neglecting work because busywork is excruciating and I was going to have to sit through class bored anyway.
My architecture professor called me an idiot savant because my model showed her something about the space that she hadn’t seen before (it was a recreation of a building she had assigned in the studio for years), but I did it in cardboard.