First Date [OC]

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Sherlock Hulk, my beloved.

I think I’m still 80% straight…ah, what’m i thinking. He wouldn’t be into me.

He works with a charity in a part of. One of sweetest guys I’ve ever met and he’s fucking massive. I’m not a small guy, but he made me feel tiny. 

This got reported as p*rnography in the Reacher subreddit. I refuse to be silenced for speaking truth to power.

“I am enjoying our date, Reacher from the TV show Reacher.” 

“Have you met our lord and saviour Xenu?”

 “Go away, Jack Reacher from the movie Jack Reacher!”

Banging dialogue bro

Apparently im related to that dude, hes my moms cousins cousin. Which is far enough I will never meet him but close enough to be a fun fact!

Always and forever Thad Castle

Artists can just draw whatever they want, huh. 

This is making me giggle way harder than I think it should

Ive never seen/heard about that TV show so im completely lost.. could someone explain?

Continue, I want to know how the date goes… Will they hold hands?

Why is Reacher from the tv show Reacher having a steak at an italian restaurant? Is he stupid?

You’re a bit too generous with the muscles… but I think I know why. So, carry on

Been watching season 3 and I want opinions on this. Is Alan Ritchson intentionally portraying Reacher like he’s on the spectrum or am I just reading the behavior wrong?

Awwh that’s wholesome.

The happy blush at the end!

You truly are remastered.

Have you ever heard pf YN/character?

Broski you are gonna LOVE IT

I’ve never felt so seen

Heheh…this is adorable.

Hope the restaurant has Clark bars for desert.

He’s huge!

…Yeah no, I totally understand.

I like this Ship. I hope you guys last

Everyone’s favorite non-D&D murderhobo

knowing Alan, he would probably really enjoy this

This is appalling, not even oregano and basil on the noodles?

Friend I’m not even gay but I’d confirm with reacher namsayin

 I, u/giftopherz, take you, Reacher from the TV show Reacher, to be my lawfully wedded husband


Buttered noodles? Buttered noodles? Buttered noodles?

Extremely weird lol

Hell yeah, love me some butter noodles

I’m literally watching reacher right now. Excellent work.

Big arms save lives

Perfectly understandable.

Dudes hoping for Reacheround


Uh reacher is ultra straight and a Christian to boot.

wow. this dudes art style has change *dramatically* since the last comic i saw of his years ago, but i could still recognize the artist by the way he draws himself lol

edit: also, if anyone can tell me why this art style looks weird, i would greatly appreciate it. theres just something that looks… off.

is that heavy from the hit game team fortress 2? /s

I know of Reacher but not really. Still I’m crying laughing over here I don’t know why. I think its the buttered noodles. Great comic thx OP.

Idk Reacher but same.

He will always be Thad to me. My big beautiful dummy.

I love this. This is art

I love this 🤣

i thought that was tf2 soldier at first

now that im looking more clearly i see tf2 heavy

It’s crazy to see Alan Ritchson next to Henry Cavill in their movie together, Alan makes Henry look like a child

The consistency but subtle differences in the facial expressions, with the clothing slightly changed to indicate motion and bring life to the comic, with the only significant change in the final panel to drive home the gentle humor, along with the softness of the fantasy undermined by the depiction of Reacher’s single erect nipple and his extremely large hands, all really help elevate the comedy of this strip.

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