When your starter home is the old neighborhood’s drug house.

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That’s exactly what Adam wants you to think


I love the solar powered spotlight for nighttime. They are really sick of dealing with Adam’s shit.

I am (a different) Adam, and I too purchased the neighborhood drug house.  They covered all the windows in aluminum foil and my realtor told me “they worked at night”.  I bet they did.

I knew someone who had a house like this. He said random guys would get out of jail and start hanging out on his corner. He had to chase of a couple of them every month, even after the locals figured out that the former residents were gone.

Damn you Adam. I can’t even buy a house with a full-time job.

My house was rented to drug dealers before we moved in, and three years later, I still get the occasional crack head knocking and wanting “some stuff”

Ring doorbell is great for those 2am visits when I can just tell them through my phone that the dealers don’t live here anymore.

This sign is a good example of wishful thinking. It’s assuming that Adam’s clients can read. I would seriously add pictograms on it.

Lol I made the mistake of telling a rando druggie that the squatters below me don’t live there anymore and she said, “You know where I can get some? I’m sick.” And I was just like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed) “No sorry good luck!” and quickly retreated back inside my apartment.

The original tenant was sad, I ran into him twice and I knew I didn’t want anything to do with him right away but I was talking to another neighbor who said that he “Wants to get away from the drugs but these people keep coming to his place.” LOL ok…

If they could read they would be reaaal mad about that

The second visitor I had at my first place walked in and said “holy shit I used to buy weed off a guy who lived here!” oh cool, great…

Adam left behind a legacy… and a customer base

Nice try, Adam.

Bro lives at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico

They’d be upset if they could read.


Yeah, no, this picture is just recycled meme fuel, and OP just wants attention and karma.

I wonder what happened to Adam?

Terrible idea to buy a drug home, fumes and harmful effects linger even after the house has been deep cleaned. It takes serious work to de-contaminate a drug home

Typical long island

Sure there isn’t…Aaron!

I have been one of the people this notice is calling out

Starter Home ? …..

This home is a finisher home !

The most american thing about that is that the sign is in front of the sidewalk, if you arrive by foot you dont see whats written at all.

But is this r/mildlyinfuriating posted by a new house owner, or by a former Adam’s visitor who aren’t thrilled by being on camera?

Wtf….u already got a customer base. Keep it rolling

Dammit you could have had a side hustle selling people oregano but telling them its weed

You make money AND clean up the streets

But is this posted by a new house owner, or by a former Adam’s visitor who is not thrilled by being on camera?

Adam’s not here man

That must be frustrating. Have you had any issues with people still coming by?

Shouldn’t it include Adam’s forwarding address at the state penitentiary? Seems like a nice thing to do.

I was assigned a phone number that had previously belonged to a dealer. My blocked number list is loooong!

My elderly neighbors had this problem for years and eventually they moved. Guy before them was not joking a dealer and after he went to prison, his buyers kept showing up in the driveway and the old man had to shoo them away.

I miss those neighbors, they had a sweet little bean of a doggo that they let me dogsit if they went on a trip somewhere

The passtor who married my wife and I had a great sense of humor and would often refer to their own house as “the meth lab.” “Have you guys ever been to the meth lab?” It too was the former drug epicenter of the area.

Starter homes…fhats such an American thing.

Never buy a card from a scrapyard. Same shit.

Adam moved?!

This neighborhood is going to shit.

That’s a sign you may have moved into the wrong neighbourhood 😁

This is exactly the kind of sign I’d have if I was dealing…

My old job gave me a work cell phone and the number belonged to a former coke dealer.

I was getting texts, calls, FaceTimes. One time the person texting REFUSED to believe I wasn’t whoever the dealer was so she sent me a nude picture saying “come on, remember me?!” And another time a woman in a field in South America face timed me.

Begged my work for a new number and they said no so I just kept everything as evidence in case I got accused down the road.

“I miss Adam”

-The Neighborhood 

My trick was to go to the local pub and let the locals know knew people live in the house- Word spread quickly

It’s nice, but the neon flashing “ADAM’S DRUG HOUSE” sign from before was prettier.

If his name was Dave at least you would had a great joke.

Gma rented out the house to a methhead and her family. Methhead refuses to pay rent, Gma dies, ensuing legal battle lasts 2 years and not a cent was paid. Finally we get methhead out, learn from neighbors and people in community it was a known drug house. Wild parties and drugs, cops there for domestic every week. Walk in, walls are beaten in, doors busted, house REEKS of cigar smoke and residue, Central AC is gone because it was run till the compressor overheated and the fan bearings went out. Everything moving part was fully seized or fucked up with tar.
Fans were dropping, outlets were removed from walls leaving exposed wire (we think they tried to cannibalize the copper), we found lots of things just wrong. Plumbing wasnt working, no running water, horrid conditions.
We start restoring house, replacing drywall, doors, plumbing, outlets, fans, central air, to live in as we have no other place to go. She even sold all our stuff in storage that was in the shed on the lease as storage (she wouldn’t get to use the shed because it was storage of old house stuff)
Notice by door there is a outlet completely removed, but remember it was a “dead outlet” (just a plate and nothing else) look in wall in curiousity. Notice a very large baggy….decide to get gloves and tell fam. Everyone gathers around as my sister (small hands) pulls out a massive baggie of grade A meth. Turned it into cops because we didnt know what to do with it.

Former methhead renter and friends would drive by house flicking us off, throwing trash in yard, going through our mail. For awhile she had people coming up to the door demanding to know where she was or what was going on because she “owned” the house. Once everyone in small town found out the story, she disappeared from face of the Earth.

house is fine now.

I’m rewatching Teen Mom 2 right now and I was like, “oh shit, what Adam drama are these folks dealing with??!”

That’s literally what we do in Canada is call out the drug house… What’s wrong with that?

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