What is the Funniest Movie of all Time?

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I would not say that it is the funniest movie ever. But, I have watched Office Space more times than I can count. Several viewings a week. It was my comfort movie for a while.

Tough but for me, I’ve never laughed at a movie as hard as I did the first time I watched Hot Fuzz.

Coming to America probably takes the cake for funniest movie that never gets old.

Galaxy Quest

Superbad in the theater at 17 was insane. The entire audience laughed the whole time. It was also insanely accurate of being that age during those times. 

What we do in the shadows. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life

Mean Girls

Watching The Hangover in theaters was pretty incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever heard as many laughs as I did during that. MAYBE in Wedding Crashers, but it’s a big maybe.

I echo many repeated ones here, but to name others: 40 Year Old Virgin is up there for me! OfficeSpace is also a contender if lasting impact is a factor. Dodgeball isn’t quite the same level as Tropic Thunder, but absolutely hysterical, imo.

Rat race was one of the best for me. A hidden gem with an A list cast.

Tropic Thunder isn’t even the funniest movie in Tropic Thunder

Shaun of the Dead. I literally almost pissed my pants during the record throwing scene the first time I saw it.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Blazing Saddles

Young Frankenstein


The Naked Gun

This is Spinal Tap

Super Troopers

Young Frankenstein

Dumb and Dumber

The only time I’ve ever seen folks rolling in the movie theatre aisle was watching the first Austin Powers

The Birdcage, My Cousin Vinny, The Big Lebowski

Hot Rod

How has no one said Dodgeball??

While not necessarily the funniest, I was deployed to a multinational protection unit in Bosnia when American Pie came out. Everyone in our compound spoke English to varying degrees, some better than others. 21 nations – not everyone can be expected to be monolingual like us. Anyhoo, what really became funny to see was *when* people laughed.

Native speakers like us Americans and the Brits laughed immediately.

Germans, French, Italians, etc. laughed when they could translate what was said in their heads.

We were about a second off…and started laughing at *each other* about it.

The moment we all laughed at the same time was the look on Stifler’s face when he realized Finch had just fucked his mom. I mean, the way the Germans and French were slapping each other on the backs laughing you’d think we finally mended the pain of WWII. They hated each other during the week, but that Saturday night there was peace in laughter.

I have seen funnier movies, but that whole experience is the top of my list.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It loses a few points for the ending, but the opening sequence, bring out your dead, black knight, killer rabbit, etc all make up for it and then some.

Dumb and Dumber. Line for line, perfection.

Team America: World Police

Naked Gun

Fish Called Wanda

Groundhog Day for me

Wedding Crashers

Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Hot Fuzz

I’m a simple man, I see tropic thunder I upvote. It’s my favorite comedy of all time as well although there are some amazing comedies other people have listed.

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