With all that pent up anger Trump needed to go on a walk after Zelensky left

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Don’t eat the orange snow…

Looks real

This is clearly fake, Putin is not that tall.

and trump thinks him being loud, insulting, the pushing…makes him look strong and alpha, it doesn’t 

The only missing piece is JD Vance as a turd hanging out of Trump’s ass

He’s such a Putin lapdog. Why do the conservatives tolerate it?

Please let this picture go viral

just imagine him shaking, doing his best to drop the dry turd still halfway hanging from his Vance hole. Yelling and blaming everyone but himself for his diet. And then Putin yanks the chain. And again to show dominance.

This visual metaphor is only slightly exaggerated from what we have been seeing anyway.

Putin is much shorter and chubbier and has a lot more Botox and has less hair on his head and has more of a hunched back than this AI generated image would suggest 

Donald Trump is an absolute POS Russian ASSET

Serious question, what does Putin have on Trump? This is not normal presidential behavior.


Where is the gimp mask?

Lmao ain’t that the truth

Hahahaha oh man I needed a good chuckle today, the news is depressing

What does he feed him?

It will be a miracle if we’re not occupied by russia by the time next presidential election is held.

Please pick us after your pet


Can we get one where t is lifting a leg near a fire hydrant?

Sit, dog.

Oh please, he thinks the body has a finite battery, he’d never willingly exercise.

Some of these are bordering on kink shaming lol

Gotta walk him regularly or he ass-drags brown ovals all over the office floor.

Nah he’s busy golfing at Mar-A-Lago while the rest of the world makes decisions on who steps up to become the new leader of the free world

Oh. Well, at least he’s wearing a suit.

We need a picture of trump sniffing putin’s butt. You know he does.

I hope ya’ll understand this does more harm than good for the US spreading propaganda material like this; and you’re all no better than trump for upvoting/supporting something like this. This is literally Russian propaganda at this point. This sub should be banned.

Is it weird I get a little tingle down below when looking at this?

Beautiful now spread it everywhere

It should have elong weird penis in one of those baby back packs.


That’s a good boy

Pics mods so triggered they aren’t even following their own rules.

They’re just allowing fake images on this sub now, Trump won and you all forgot what you made run of the right for all these years

Rent Free…

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