GF found this feminine patterned piece of wax in the apartment. I’m on the hot seat for it. Where is it from?

By _CPT_
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Feminine…. pattern? Bro just get a new girl if she’s tripping out about a torn piece of paper with a design on it

A red flag. You’re in the hot seat for something one of you might have had on the bottom of a shoe?

Reusable Beeswax Wrap, my roommate uses these

Your gf sounds nuts. It could be literally anything. Candy wrapper??

Fuck, imagine walking down the street and something that belonged to a child sticks to your shoe and it comes into the house. I mean, what’s the chances…

Part of letterhead for a divorce attorney

If you are in a hot seat for something that looks like a fucking candy wrapper you need to run out of that relationship as quickly as you can.

Young man, I’ll tell you what it is. This is a learning opportunity. It clearly looks like some cartoon thingy…candy wrapper maybe? Band aid? Literally a piece of trash that could’ve even been left by the last tenant.
Please learn from this…giving someone the third degree over such a ridiculously little thing will ALWAYS blow up into much bigger things. She sounds controlling af…making you post on Reddit…Good Lord.

that’s the packaging engagement rings come in.

Feminine patterned???

Fairly sure that is a candy wrapper.

And she is throwing a fit for something that either of you might have had on the bottom of the shoe?

Sounds like a toxic relationship. Please leave

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That’s clearly an ear and a horn. Think Elsie the cow logo from back in the day. If so, then it’s likely from some dairy/ice cream/candy related product. Either way, your GF is is a shitstorm waiting to happen. Leave now while you still can.

There’s a million things that could have been from. Looks like candy. If you’re in the hot seat for a piece of trash that you could’ve stepped on in the street and dragged inside, you got bigger issues going on. Time to cut your losses and run like hell.

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Whoever said red flag is right.

I did a Google search. Turns out it’s a piece of a get of this relationship now warning card.

Tell her it’s from a pregnancy test kit and make her feel the heat for a bit.

This is called projecting and she is hiding something from you.

Unless you have legitimate reasons for her to be getting mad at you (for example, you are actually cheating on her and lying about it), no normal person would be made at someone for a piece of paper that literally could have come from anywhere. It hardly is evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever. I agree with many others who posted that based solely on what you said, this is a RED FLAG. Reevaluate your situation. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you are being respected as a person and respect yourself. Don’t be controlled or let people gaslight you. Good luck.

She sounds crazy

Why the F is this a feminine pattern? Is she toxic femininity? I don’t understand how? Why? Is this a trick?

Your girlfriend sounds wonderful, losing her shit and putting you on the hot seat over a scrap of paper that could have got stuck on the bottom of your shoe.

Looks like a piece of her red flag 🚩

I know what that is!! That is a foreshadow of the life you will have with this person if you decide to hold on to it. Personally I would throw it away for the garbage it is. I mean the relationship, not just the scrap of trash in your hand.

Looks like a water tattoo?

Get out of that relationship. She’s kookiedooks.

Looks like the backing paper from a children’s band aid. Anyway, very insane to make a big deal out of it.

It’s one of those fruit toffee candies

Bro that could literally be from any number of things it’s not some smoking gun. Your gf is jumping at shadows

Tell her it’s packaging for a sex toy you bought and used with her sister. That should put her mind at ease.

It was stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Now throw both of them out and find someone who respects you.

Don’t put up with this. move on buddy

Run, change your phone number, move

If THIS is how you are put on the hot seat in your relationship, I’ll pray for you. (Jk i’m an atheist but good luck OP fr)

Dude. Your first business trip she will be tracking your phone and calling you every night. Run. Away. Now.

A relationship should be built on trust. Not dear. Run. Away. Now.

You must be on the hot seat all the time, if this places you in the seat….then…… yeaah.

I’m a girl, and I’m saying RUN LIKE YOUR ASS IS ON FIRE!

_chuckles in freedom_

Sounds like my ex.

A torn package for a child’s plaster/bandaid

Blue flowers are feminine patterns now? Yikes my guy, red flagggggg.

Run bro

Tell her it’s from the new girl friend store right before you point to her shit already packed in boxes. Your girlfriend is waaaaaaaack.

It’s a key to a better life

Bro just put that shit back on your shoe and run!!

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