Ruins the whole purpose of sarcasm

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You get an overwhelming amount of people who think you’re being serious if you don’t. It’s annoying either way.

Many people make it OBVIOUS that they are being sarcastic with TONE OF VOICE but we don’t need that on the internet because anyone who reads this is a genius who can read my mind despite having never met me

One term: Poe’s law.

Sarcasm is indicated with tonality. Text doesn’t have tonality.

wow, this is *such* an intelligent and well-thought-out post, people should *obviously* be able to infer your tone of voice when typing a comment over the internet, why didn’t *I* think of this?

It helps you not getting banned in some subs

Does /s mean they’re indicating sarcasm?

Some people don’t pick up on sarcasm that easily. Some people suck at making sarcasm obvious. It’s a few more taps and a lot less misunderstanding for you.

Because this is what happens:

if you don’t then people downvote you or you get tons of comments calling you the anti christ.

Then if you try to say it was a joke or sarcasm nobody believes you and you get further downvoted or they just go “sure it was”

Once you have -2 downvotes nobody reads your comment anymore or tries to use their own opinion and they hustle downvote you as well. This spirals into more unnecessary replies. And trying to edit a /s into your comment doesn’t work.

All of that is extremely irritating to even be in proximity to let alone be on the receiving end. So ultimately it’s not worth to go without a /s to begin with

I’ll never do it

it’s for people who can’t understand sarcasm

hey so if the persons commenting some stuff that would be srsly messed up if they weren’t sarcastic, they should add the tag (for people like me who cannot tell tone) but if it’s just some random sarcastic comment I agree.

If people take sarcasm serious, youve done a good job and can laugh at their stupidity. Dont add the /s.

you’re right i hate accessibility

Simple answer. More stupid people have access to the internet now, than ever before.

I hate when this happens /s

How are you supposed to tell if it means /serious or /sarcasm?

“A good quality riddle”

“Answer at the end of the video”

“Ruins the whole purpose of riddles”

That’s how you sound right now. Not everyone is as good as you with sarcasm, you know ? Especially with strangers on the Internet, without any oral clues

I never use that tbh

I just put a spoiler around them like >!this!< and find it helps keep the effect, since you can’t see the /s until you click or tap on it.


Neurodivergent people exist on here

Yes, but many highly intelligent Redditors will take it the wrong way. /s

There was once a guy bragging about his gf amazing gift, I wrote, “Is she single?” and got downvoted to oblivion. Some people can’t understand sarcasm.

Some people can’t decern sarcasm from text.

100% agree. If you’re too stupid to understand sarcasm then that’s your problem. We shouldn’t have to use this dumbass /s bullshit.

OP’s the type of person to argue with sarcastic people when they don’t use “/s” because he doesn’t notice that it’s sarcasm

You probably also cry when people get offended when they don’t understand something said sarcastically.

cant stand any of those /(letters)

sarcasm /s

guys, i wasn’t being serious

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