NASA found a perfectly cut, trillion-ton rectangular iceberg floating off of the Larsen C ice shelf in 2018.

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Itโ€™s not as perfectly cut as it appears in that photo. Hereโ€™s another photo.
comment image?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3a2efb7b69563fd82d102488d3bc4181af3127


It was placed to slow global warming.

>The strikingly geometric shape of the iceberg was due to tabular calving, a process where icebergs break off along natural fractures, often resulting in clean, straight edges. While it looked almost perfectly rectangular, closer analysis showed it had some irregularities along its edges. The sharp angles and flat surface sparked intrigue, but they were a natural consequence of how icebergs split from the shelf.



Something something Jewish space lasersโ€ฆ. -MTG


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The aliens are trolling us.

Nestle: WHERE!?

โ€œItโ€™s full of stars.โ€


I love the idea that itโ€™s a natural formation making it lame. Everything in this world is a natural formation.

Cool 1v1 arena

This picture pisses me off because you never see the other end of it. Whoever took this picture can suck it.

I canโ€™t find it now, but I seem to recall seeing this iceberg photographed from another angle, and itโ€™s not nearly as square or uniform as this cropped photo suggests.


a monolithโ€ฆ on its odysee through space

Nah laser practiseโ€ฆ whoโ€™s guna see lol

It looks like I tried to cut a rectangle with a Sawzall.

Maestro, can I get a Zarathustra intro?

Look at the size of that cleavage

Thats where Cell fights Goku for round 2

Elons personal Ice tray.

That’s where Canada’s elite play *Hardcore Hockeyโ„ข*


“God doesn’t build with straight lines”

Donโ€™t let Nestle know about this one.

The ancient ones at work

I wouldnโ€™t call it a *perfect* rectangle, but itโ€™s pretty goodโ€ฆI suppose.

Clearly a chunk error


A win for the flat earthers

I can see R`lyeh from my house!


We all know what this really is, but are too afraid to acknowledge it!

What? Again? If reddit is anything to go by they find one of these every few weeks.

Aliens. Gotta be aliens.

Nah thatโ€™s the Costco from Idiocracy
comment image?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0240efcb8563d130190f44f5dfc0c65172cded5

Space lasers for sure!!!

Post it in r/conspiracyand tell them it’s a secret AWS data center in the Arctic.


The tin foil hat brigade is on the way. Please stand by.

In the movie Prometheus, one of the crew flight members said, “God doesn’t build in straight lines.” I, however, do not believe in aliens. The closest galaxy to us is the Andromeda galaxy, 2.5 million light years away. They would’ve left during Earth’s ice age. Who tf sees massive snow and dinosaurs and decides to come here?

Don’t show it to trump. He might want to claim it as his.

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