“Google would suffice in a pinch”.

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Once again proving what a dumbass she is

I wonder why that is…Jesus I weep for this country

Moscow Marge strikes again. Well done Georgia, you embarrass us again

I would love to see some of her constituents interviewed; like genuinely.

Who reads that tweet and goes “That’s my girl. That’s who I voted for”.

Marjorie Taylor Ham has probably never touched a history book in her entire life

Russia: *Commits genocide*




….By the way, this is called treason. Supporting an enemy nation against the US and its allies is the definition of treason.

“So, in your discussions of the nuclear freeze proposals, I urge you to beware the temptation of pride—the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all and label both sides equally at fault, **to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire,** to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong and good and evil.”

– Ronald Reagan

They arent even trying to pretend anymore. USSA

How many weeks has it been since Russia threatened to nuke us? Has it even been a month? 

Gee I wonder if they’re our enemy 

I swear to God this better not be the latest talking point by Republicans.

And to add… they were the villains in Hollywood bc of the history. Art imitates life.

Never is Russia, nazis, the taliban, etc the hero of the story. Unless that subversion is the point. Like Jojo rabbit.

Do you not know that Hollywood made movies AFTER the cold war?

I must break you!

Republicans new strategy is to normalise Russia as an ally.

I would say she can’t be this stupid but this is only one of a million dumb fucking things she’s said 🤦‍♂️

The narrative she’s trying to spin is also a MASSIVE 🚩 as it’s painfully obvious Russia is pulling strings and it’s likely going to end in disaster for us

Majorie is the one who graduated high school. She’s almost 50 so she was alive during the Cold War. Russia was a synonym for “communist”

How in the FUCK do people like this actually exist?

Not only exist, but make more money and have more influence, enjoy better luxury and lifestyle than the vast majority of us?

Clearly her lack of education demonstrates that she didnt even know that Hollywood was heavily interrogated back in the day for being pro-communist russia. Smfh. I fucking hate republicans.

Next stop is “Hitler. He was misunderstood”

Literally and historically

You know where else Russian’s are portrayed as the bad guys?

In a security clearance course after you have gotten secret/top secret L/Q clearance from the US government.

But in order to qualify for a clearance you must pass a serious background check where in they look into your old jobs, finances, relationships, and past residences… I bet MTG would not pass or DJT for that matter.

So, I guess she better keep using Hollywood as her information resource about how USA feels about Russia… although she does have the library of congress at her fingertips, I wager she does not know how to use that, so it is just easier to turn on the boob tube for all of her ideas.

This bitch don’t know about the Cold War?

She really is a moron

This is the same dumbass who believes that the Democrats control the weather.

Imagine in 20 years when she tweets, “Why does History make me look like a dumb hoe?”

Who are her constituents? My God…

Found the agent.

Putin’s goal has been obvious for decades now. Divide Americans from within. MTG is definitely doing her part for him.


This isn’t real, right? RIGHT?

This is your brain on religious conservatism.

What an obviously treasonous, Putin simping, bleached blond basic bitch.

she’s never heard of Ronald Reagan apparently.

Is there anything sadder than the descendants of the Reagan Revolution being bought by the Evil Empire?


Another Republican purchased by Putin. Looks like he got his money’s worth.
Remember like, 10 years ago, and Republicans used to taunt us by saying we were soft on Russia and how they can’t be trusted? Didn’t they repeat that same taunt for like, 60 or more years?

I’ll admit that I’ve never been an “America, fuck yeah!” type of person. But this shift of the US turning our backs on our allies and siding with authoritarian countries hurts. I don’t even know how to put it into words, but I’m just sad that this is the country I live in. Like almost every millennial in this country, my Grandpa fought in WWII and it’s just always been a given that America fights for democracy. Whatever you feel about war, we side with the countries that hold legitimate elections and value free speech and free press. And that has ended. It is unbelievable to me that we have people actively working in our government that are siding with authoritarians. In the words of Cinderella (the band), “you don’t know what you got til it’s gone.” And I honestly never thought that democracy would be gone.

So I rarely ever use the “C” word… but she is such a C word. Not only that I truly think she might actually be the dumbest woman in the government. Talk about movies, is her character based on one from Idiocracy?

I would call her a sweet summer child but she is 50! Ain’t nobody excusing this level of ignorance at that age.

Ever notice how Nazis are the villains in movies too?

That’s because the Russian government has been the bad guys. The population is just kept in the dark. Much like us

The majority of people in my district are beyond help. Fack me.

Someone mail her a history book. With lots of pictures.

Where the fuck was this dumb ass during the cold war? Because I KNOW she’s older than me and I remember the Cold War

MTG is around my age; she knows full-well that Russia was our enemy for decades. She’s being deliberately dishonest.

Kinda sad cause Rocky IV was an allegory about the US’ fight against Russia in the Cold War. Now, Stallone is shilling for the same folks that are now saying that movies like that were nothing but misdirected propaganda against innocent ol Russia

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