JD Vance getting ready to say the stupidest shit ever “Have you said thank you once”

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What that face triggers me into want to doing


This guy is an epic c*nt.

History will remember this as the moment American so-called leadership proved a complete lack of moral fibre.

In the UK, we would call him “a proper twat”

It looks like the tip of his tie is tucked tightly under his crotch

God its like he just *looks* like a fucking idiot, ya know? Like you see those people and immediately know they’re barely functional adults? The kind of people that get confused trying to successfully make it through the self checkout at Walmart without assistance.

Every time I see his fucking face that’s what I see.

Vance: “OK JD this is your moment. Make it count! I’ll get praise for this one!”

No, he’s said thank you about 40 times to the US alone. The guy is at war, his country is being ruined and they make fun of him for not wearing a suit? Zelensky has more class wearing a cow costume than those two assholes combined on their best day.

Meanwhile the poor couch is trying to find its way out from under its abuser

The audacity he has especially after voting against supporting Ukraine aid…

Have you visited Ukraine? No, but I seen it on TV.

It is unbelievable that this asshole has the gall to demand Zelensky say thank you to Trump. WTF has Trump done to assist Ukraine? America has done an amazing job so far assisting Ukraine and defending the idea of democracy. Trump however has done nothing on either front.


SS vance the nazi

He’s getting a bit too excited, that couch had better watch out.

Is it normal to sit on his own tie?

And he fucking prematurely came in before his cue

Does he tuck his tie under his crotch?

The literal first words out of Zelenskys mouth were what exactly?

Krasnov looking old and tired letting everyone speak for and over him, specially Komrade Kuckold !? Prediction… that boy is gonna be hung out to dry like Pence.

That’s what happens when the President of the US is an asset to Putin the dictator, a criminal that has killed journalists and opposition leaders, Now the US is aligned with Russia and North Korea, and thus, cannot be trusted, and all allies should not share Intel with the US.

This guy is such a fucking tool

“At least 33 times…”

“Shut up and let us speak for once!”

And this kids, is how not to do diplomacy.

He’s really pressed into that couch.

To be fair: Zelensky has many times thanked ”the American people”. He has not once thanked the Russian Agents in the White House so I can understand where they are coming from. /s

Edit to clarify: Yes he thanked Trump and Vance as well multiple times. Not trying to deny it in any way.

And when he said yes, repeatedly, he’s like “NO I MEANT NOW”

Now I know why Drump and his idiot side kick wear long ties… it covers up that neither have any balls…

Do Republicans wipe their dicks with their tie, or what?

“I did, very recently, in your Congress.”

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