Me: “Ah finally some cooler weather, [Turns AC off] I’ve been waiting all year for it to be this nice! Maybe the electric bill won’t rob us blind this month!”
My Wife:[Walking out of the Bedroom with sweatpants, socks, a hoodie, and a beanie cap on] “BRRRRRR! It’s **FREEZING** in here! Honey, would you turn the heat on??”
10 days ago
She draws way more when she turns on her Clam Rattler 9000.
Your wife firing up the Hitachi.
It’s over 9,000 jiggawatts of power.
When the light is not being used. The heater is.
Ahh, yes
Me: “Ah finally some cooler weather, [Turns AC off] I’ve been waiting all year for it to be this nice! Maybe the electric bill won’t rob us blind this month!”
My Wife:[Walking out of the Bedroom with sweatpants, socks, a hoodie, and a beanie cap on] “BRRRRRR! It’s **FREEZING** in here! Honey, would you turn the heat on??”
She draws way more when she turns on her Clam Rattler 9000.