Mike Myers on SNL last night, showing Gretzky how it’s done

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myers is 100x the Patriot Gretzky thinks he is.

fuck the lame one…he sold out

I’m shocked any Canadian celebrity living in the US has said anything. All the others are very quiet right now. Thanks Mike!!

People forget Lorne Michaels, founder of SNL, went to UofT and was born in Toronto too.

To Mike Myers I say, “YA BABY, YAAA”


Atta boy Mikey.

I have seen Mike Myers [orate this story](https://youtu.be/NriucwzlKAc?si=5iW9RzwGPBZGdwUz) on more than one occasion. Every time he recites it, he is moved to tears. He is clearly very passionate about his support for the military and his support for those who stand up to fascist bullies.

Almost feels like a gretzky jersey should be treated as a hate symbol…

Good Mike. Good.


I can’t believe I’m now routing for Ovi to break the goals record. He also supports a despot, but at least he is loyal.

Damn, he looks great for his age!

When I migrated to Canada, one of the first books I read was Mike’s memoir ‘Canada’. I’ll be honest, I picked it up because my wife and I still watch Austin Powers pretty regularly, but the book unexpectedly taught me a lot about the unspoken parts of our new national identity. I think about that book quite often, and always recommend it to anyone else new to Canada. Cheers, Mike!

In my opinion, Mike Myers is the greatest hockey player of all time.

Myers’s is a Canadian legend

I don’t think you can compare Mike Myers with Gretzky… Mike Myers is so much better.

Myers’s Musk impression made me realize Dr. Evil is no longer satire. I would like Dr. Evil to be the next president

A Canadian treasure 🇨🇦

Mike Myers is now the great one.

Add Phil Harman, it was 90s trifecta

Gretzky: scoring in his final goal in his own net

This is the Great One

A personal anecdote…

I was sailing on an MCDV for a NY fleet week way back. We were having a nice awning party on the fo’c’sle for various dignitaries, mbrs from other nations’ militaries, etc…

As things are beginning to wind down, we’re surprised by Mike Myers and an assistant asking to come aboard! Of course, we accept, and he spends the next while chatting us up, taking selfies with us, and just being a super supportive and great guy.

I’m sure he was a busy guy at the time, so him taking the time to come down was very meaningful to us, and I hold him in high esteem as an ambassador for Canada and Canadian values.


Nice to know that BEST WAYNE is on our side still

He shoot’s he scores. Love yah Mike

God damn Michael is sexy baby ya


The greater one Mike Myers!

It’s a nice day for a … light sweater.

It’s a nice day for a … CARDIGAAAAAN!

Right on, Mikey.

He also said “elbows up”. love it!

He did a great Elon impersonation. 

A man from Scarborough! Can’t wait for Shrek 5 (even though the animation seems meh, I’m sure it will be great).

I like it, but I think Dougie over here in Ontario has other plans.

In May 2009, Wayne Gretzky was awarded the nation’s highest civilian honour, companion of the Order of Canada. He’s never picked it up.

I can never find clips of Gretzky on Wayne’s World. It was pretty good

Canada is not for sale shirt is on sale

Using Dung Frauds election sloganeering to score brownie points with Canadians. We’re so insecure.

I love Mike and love that he did this but I still don’t get this shirt. No one is trying to buy us. Trump is threatening to annex/invade us and/or destroy us through economic warfare. That isn’t a sale, it’s theft, or worse.

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