Let’s switch things up who do you not want in Marvel Rivals

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Any symbiote that isn’t Carnage. None of the Life Foundation symbiotes are different enough to justify anything other than a skin for Venom

Domino – Imagine that kit “50% chance damage gets reflected back to sender” or some shit.

Kevin Durant

Anyone from the Ironman family besides warmachine since they’ll all be very similar

Soft Serve
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Snoop Dogg. He’s in every other mutiplayer game I’ve played recently.

More Duelists (temporarily). Would really like to see the numbers between the three rosters even up a bit more.

More heroes for a little while. For a game called Rivals, it feels weird that like 90% or the characters are heroes or hero adjacent. Desperately need more Marvel villains 

Aunt May. I just don’t think she would work.


Professor X if he doesnt have wheel chair combos like that one xmen fighting game.

Black widow

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This MF’er I hope he’s just a skin for a hulk we have to many melee centric tanks

They’ll probably add Miles but really that should be the only other Spider Man we get. With Peter and Peni already in the game, the last thing we need is for the roster to be filled with Spiderman alternates. There are so many other interesting characters they could do. If they really want to pull from Spiderman lore, just give us his villains. I’ll take Doc Ock and Green Goblin thank you very much.

Also I’m not sure about Quicksilver. If they can make him work, cool. Otherwise a Speedster Diver is going to break the backline.

I don’t understand people complaining about lore accurate power levels. For one power levels are kinda subjective and or situational. Also the multiverse is infinite so mathematically there exists a version of this character that is more or less powerful to fit the in-game world. So balance should never be a problem when adding characters (unless the devs do a bad job, but lore wise it should never be a problem). So the only problem would be similarities with existing heroes, like why have spidergwen if her kit is identical to Spiderman? Just make her a skin. Same for most symbiotes and hulk forms, even Ultron is just an Iron man clone.

Spider-verse characters


Everyone keeps saying they want abomination but that just seems so stupid. He is literally hulk but weaker

I don’t want any more symbiotes besides Carnage and even then I hope he doesn’t come for a while. Snap did multiple seasons and events not to mention “Knullified” variants for just about everyone. I don’t want that to happen here. I don’t want a brightly colored hero shooter to suddenly become teams of homogenous goo. I don’t want seasons where every new character looks the same. I don’t need God damn Lasher, Agony, Scream, Anti-Toxin, Toxin, Misery or any of the other symbiotes I care too little to know about or remember.

This post’s replies are interesting cause a lot of them are “no more characters from the X group”. Which is weird cause marvel has so many X groups. X-men, many MANY different avengers, brotherhood of evil mutants, fantastic four, the inhumans, spider verse level characters, sinister 6, hydra, aim, the hand, etc.

I’m not super big into marvel lore, but none of the gods or multiversal level characters. We’ve already got enough people complaining that their main’s kit isn’t lore accurate

I know I’m in the minority, but I’m Deadpool’ed out. I need a break from him.

Come to think of it, a lot of Spider-Man’s villains are like your typical bad guy of the week in Sentai/Power Ranger shows. Why would you want Rhino when you can have Juggernaut or Blob, who are far more interesting? Same with Scorpion, Lizard, Vulture, Hobgoblin, Prowler, Hammerhead etc. I do admit that Spider-Man also has a lot of good quality rogues to contend with, such as Carnage, Octavius, and Norman.

The Eternals. Never was there a superhero team that was more aggressively boring.

Sam Wilson Cap, Kate Bishop, or any other “this character player kit you already have…but they look different”

My wallet does not want Nightcrawler 😅😜🤪

Red Skull. Don’t wanna play as or with a sanitized version of a nazi.

Paste Pot Pete.

Colossus, i love him in the comics and movies, but we already have 2 buff dudes who punch, and his team uo would just be another fastball for wolverine, we don’t really need another guy like that

Red Skull

The Rhino

I do not want more duelists in the game. The next four to six characters need to be vanguards and strategists. The numbers are not close to even right now and that’s part of the reason the vanguard role is so under-represented. 


We’re only gonna get so many Guardians characters before they stop adding them and I’d rather we get Gamora and Drax

Plus I just don’t think he’d be that interesting

MODOK. Honestly I just can’t see a world where he would be fun to play, and I’ve always hated his design

Colossus at this point. Or not for awhile. Need tanks with more ranged attacks and not anymore brawlers for a bit.

Antman or wasp. I love these characters but I can’t imagine the frustration of a character shrinking so small you can’t see them, they walk up to you as a healer and start beating your ass. Even if they could only attack while regular size, that would make them the best flankers in the game. Shrunken size would basically be invincibility.

Honestly, I love Miles but outside of a couple of differences with his venom attacks he’s just spider man

The guy from X men whose ability is being forgotten the minute you look away from him

There’s probably a dozen or so Spiderman villains id rather not see. I also think they should be cautious on “martial artists” like Elektra or Daredevil.

Any more snipers they are inherently unhealthy for any multiplayer game they’re in

Have you heard of Isca? Her mutant power, and I am not exaggerating, is literally, “I can not lose.” The universe, probability and reality will bend over backwards to ensure she always wins.
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