Zelenskyy reply in a way thats going to hurt US

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Give weapons, then claim it is a loan. Very Trumpy Musky

He is right the US actually contributed for around $120 Billions most of which was spent within The US between States and US MIC also many of the items sent were old stuff.

Also it was part of their Budapest Memorandum which said that in exchange of surrendering the nuclear weapons that Ukraine had, they were guarenteed their sovreignty.

A signatory already betrayed that, Russia. So others have to step up otherwise it is a message to the word that nuclear proliferation is the way to go.

Grants are not loans. He’s correct.

Fuck Trump

He is right! Since when do we demand reparations from the victim?? Russia owes us all US and European taxpayers money!!!!

Trump supporters tomorrow: “USA should join Russia against Ukraine in order to collect the debt”

That $100 billion figure is complete propaganda and bullshit, it is calculated by “cost of replacing” old equipment with brand new modern material. The real cost for the US was much much lower. For example US gave a bunch of m113 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine, they were worth around $5k each before the war, it’s basically Vietnam era crap that was due to be scraped. They calculated the figure by the cost of replacing those with brand new M1283’s which cost $1.8 million each.

Good, fuck Trump and everyone who voted for him.

Haha. Trump fucked up. They’ve gotten a lot of crap out of everything in the last month.

Scan the docs with what was sent thus far and post them online, be it bank transfers or the lists with equipement (assuming there is a price attached, there might not be). The only way to fight propaganda is to shove the actual documents in their face. Parrots kept repeating larger sums of money and even claimed hundreds of billions were lost, as if stollen.

Trump Vance is team goof. 100 billion to Ukraine is now a debt. Trump is whack asking for 500 billion. Loan shark extortion. Did I mention I hate trump/ Vance’s guts ?

You cant give something then later claim it was a loan. Just basic common sense.

NATO should send the bill to the US for Afghanistan

US hasn’t given a fifth of that to Ukraine, and most of it was inflated countervalue in old military shit that would’ve been more expensive to write off. Besides, US is Russia’s partner given that Trump has said they’ll be lifting sanctions and Kremlin has confirmed the new direction of the US government aligns with their vision, that makes them an enemy of Ukraine. You don’t have debts to enemies.

It is Russias debt to pay, they are the aggressor

He’s right. No takebacksies. To use a language that tiny handed vulgarian may understand.

This is going to be deleted soon. Not a news outlet but social media. Let’s wait until we see this appear in other sources first

Trump cannot fathom the idea of anything benevolent like a gift. Everything is transactional for him so he views all aid to Ukraine as a loan which needs to be paid back.

Bwahahahahaha. As a taxpayer who fronts the bill, let them have it, we don’t want the money back.

Zelensky to US: No takesies backsies.

Good to see A REAL MAN standing firm for his country !

The world is too dumb-downed by right wing propaganda

The USA has made lots of money selling weapons to the Europeans since this war began.

For anyone interested how much money was spent and where it went [here is ABC’s factcheck](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fact-checking-trumps-claims-amount-us-aid-ukraine/story?id=119167409).

(The Congress approved a total of $174bn so far related to Ukraine, and out of that only $83bn has been disbursed.)

The US even operates a [dedicated government website](https://www.ukraineoversight.gov/Funding/) which tracks assistance to Ukraine, which puts the total figure at $183bn.

Trump on separate occasions mentioned $500bn and $350bn, but nobody has a clue where he got those numbers from.

There are other breakdowns too if ABC isn’t good enough for you:

[USAFacts](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-has-the-us-given-ukraine-since-russias-invasion/) (claims $113bn allocated so far).

[BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crew8y7pwd5o) (cites figures in the $119bn-$182bn range; the BBC actually asked the WH to clarify where they got their numbers from, and received no response)

Here’s [Kyiv Independent](https://kyivindependent.com/explainer-did-trump-lie-about-350-billion-aid-to-ukraine-and-does-kyiv-have-to-repay-it/):

*The caveat is that both the $350 billion mentioned by Trump as aid provided and the $500 billion demanded in return are not factual and were presented by the White House without explaining where the figures are from.*

It’s like rescuing someone from a fire and then claiming payback.

Nor should they! No deal was made that the military aid should be paid back. And the US has not even given 200b yet.. so why the fuck would Ukraine pay 500b back.

500 billion, that’s more than a 400% tip


No one recognizes the $500B debt except Trump.

As American one of the things that makes me most angry is these jackasses pretending like it’s *their* money that they’re “donating” to Ukraine. Even if one was so selfish as to think that we should only give aid where it helps America, Ukraine is a proxy war against Russia – who *used* to be our enemy before Trump handed our government over to Putin. These people are speed-running the collapse of our democracy, and pretending like the government belongs to them while they do it.

Every European power should disavow us for the next four years. Our Republican Party is so fucking evil that we (they) fully deserve to feel the pain of being an international pariah. Then again, they’re too ignorant to ever leave our country and too small-minded to consider anything other than the opinions of the fascist orange and Fox News.

Last year I donated 100 euros to the nearby homeless shelter. Those hobos better pay me back my 500 euros or else they’re gonna get it.

Telling things the way it should be not going with the crook talks. Was the best decision not to sign with anything, US regime will colapse soon.

Source? This seems highly unlikely that he would’ve just said that.

this is old news from about a week ago… (and probably only related to the first draft of the mineral deal)


Haha, the orange orangutan will be seething… well played, Volod!

It wasn’t a LOAN till the guy who bankrupted a CASINO decided it was.

He’s absolutely right. These were never given with expectation of a return.

We didn’t signed any deal with him saying that it was a loan and need to pay back. It was aid for Ukraine 🇺🇦. Get over it Trump.

good for him … they have degraded the Russian army to the benefit of everyone else. The Ukrainians sacrificed blood for this.

As an American: either show the world the loan documents or STFU Trump. We gave Ukraine that shit just like we gave Elon all that money.

Lmao go on Zelensky!!

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