The boys know this is not a stick, it’s the most powerful weapon on Earth. Last updated: March 2, 2025 9:21 pm By so_like_huh Share Memes 4 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 4 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments hytguygt 10 days ago İ dont know about that this needs to be investigated so hand me over your sword just for investigation purposes BluecoatCashMoney5 10 days ago Damn how you found a cool stick like that, Like I have a cool Mage stick but damn… DFTS-ILLusionz 10 days ago Step 1: Take off the handle – mount and frame the curve with the other half of the heart painted on some canvas. Step 2: Call it Art and sell online. Step 3: profit. McSpice23 10 days ago Who ever gets it out of the ground is the chosen one….. SearchSearchRecent PostsAnyone dare to change his mind ? Elon Musk might have failed art school Take your interview preparation seriously Our Moen Stainless Showerhead is starting to rust. What’s the best was to remove the rust and protect it from happening again?? Chill voices from a chill guy Recent Comments
İ dont know about that this needs to be investigated so hand me over your sword just for investigation purposes
Damn how you found a cool stick like that, Like I have a cool Mage stick but damn…
Step 1: Take off the handle – mount and frame the curve with the other half of the heart painted on some canvas.
Step 2: Call it Art and sell online.
Step 3: profit.
Who ever gets it out of the ground is the chosen one…..