I’ve had these goldfish for about 5-6yrs. This is why they don’t belong in fishbowls!

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I had three gold fish and after two died, the third one starting growing quite fast, I bought larger aquaria twice just for him. When he died after 14 years he was near 30 cm. I was very sad when he died.

In the Americas theyโ€™re an invasive, destructive freshwater species. Do not release them into natural water systems, or flush them down the drain.


Donโ€™t release them into the wild they are an invasive species and will f up a habitat

But they do belong in water.

FUN FACT! Most Fish, including Gold Fish, have something called “indeterminate growth”. What that means is that it’s growth is strictly related to it’s available resources/food and not by how much room it has. So you’ve just got well fed Gold Fish, and their size doesn’t have any relation to being in a pond/large tank.

That being said, always give your animals more than enough space with proper conditions!

Indeterminate Growth is what has led to the goliath examples of many species!

While this post isn’t particularly interesting, I’m upvoting for awareness. Pet stores willingly misinform people about goldfish so that the customers unwittingly abuse the fish. This causes the fish to die so that the store can sell more goldfish.

I mean they DO belong in water in general tho. Donโ€™t take the water puppies out to play.

They will grow according to available space.

Where do goldfish exist in the wild? Do they exist in the wild or are they like the frenchie of the lakes?

They dont belong in your hand out of the water eitherโ€ฆ

Beta fish too!!! They need lots of space and a filter etc. not a tiny little bowl. Just cause they are sold like that, doesnโ€™t mean thatโ€™s how they are suppose to live! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Plus it’s just inhumane. Fish aren’t super smart, but no animal on earth should be confined to a 1×1 space. I think even a mosquito would get bored quick. We torture out of ignorance

They’re carp, they grow as big or small as they need

They donโ€™t belong in our waterways either. Fucjers destroy shit and compete with the native species. Rather use them to feed fish.

They really are cool little fish that turn into pretty big fish

They are just tiny carp. They can get big.

It’s just an invasive carp that’s fancy innit

Goldfish are carp and will grow to fit their environment.

You’re right. They belong in your hand

Goldfish are a type of carp and can get very big, they only stay small when confined inappropriately

Very healthy looking fish ๐Ÿ‘Œย 

I saw someone catch one that had to be 20 lbs out of pond.

When I was in elementary school, I got half a dozen tiny goldfish at a school carnival. They lived so long that they eventually outgrew their fish tank and got upgraded to our small backyard artificial pond. Every winter, we would have to bring them in and set up 3 to 4 fish tanks because they were too large to house together over the winter inside . The oldest one was nearly 15 years old when it died but most of the others didnโ€™t die on their own, but rather were eaten by large crane type birds somewhere between nine and 11 years of age.
I had no idea goldfish could live that long or grow so large! These guys couldโ€™ve easily been mistaken for Koi they were so big

How many wishes did she granted till now?

When I was a kid, I had a big tank with a black goldfish, a sucker, snails, some other fish, and apparently a vicious murderer fish. The one crazy fish ate my goldfish eyes and let him swim around blind, I didn’t know till I got home from school.

I mean they donโ€™t stop growing under proper care. My cousin gave them a good home but his always died in 3 days

I have goldfish in my my pond and 3 of them are as long as my forearm.

Goldfish donโ€™t belong in fishbowls!

I had one in an indoor tank for 13 years. Just gotta make sure the water is balanced.

It looks like an actual fish compared to the stuff you see that lives in a bowl their whole life.

Do they taste less delicious without the orange?

You keep them in your hands?

My partners nephew showed his new fishes and it was 8 goldfish in a 5 gallon.

They died.

Still babies. Can live to well over 50yrs and be at least double that size.

Op: Look at these healthy goldfish

Every other comment randomly: Invasive species needs to die.

Also weird people are getting upset that they are being held for a little bit in hand. I’ve seen many pictures of vets doing similar stuff. They’ll live just fine.

They also belong in water.


Tanks need a tank

This brings back such fond memories of the time I won one at the fair as a kid. We had a huge tank that was at least 70gal and it grew to be that size as well. Tutti Fruiti lived for about 6 years I think

Absolute beautys

Nice! Mine will be 8 this yearโ€ฆfrom a carnival no less.

Fancy goldfish can live 15+ years. Common goldfish have been known to live 50+ years. Koi fish have been known to live 200+ years.

bro with ketchup ๐Ÿ˜Œ

My son won two goldfish in 2016 and I ended up taking care of them. I upgraded tanks three times before I finally just got a 50gallon tank. They got massive. One of them grew insanely long and beautiful fins and they started changing into beautiful colors. Nobody believes they were from the fair, they have a lot of personality too.

Having goldfish for so many years shows a great commitment to their care. However, it is true that small tanks can affect their well-being, as these fish need enough space to swim and grow. The ideal would be to provide them with a large pond or aquarium so they can live healthier.

We had a goldfish the length of my forearm named Godzilla who lived in a small, isolated pond by our home. We used to feed him dog food.

I mean, speaking from the perspective of a raw-fish-eating culture, the only reason we don’t eat goldfish is that their taste is incredibly bad.

Them being in a fishbowl has nothing to do with their growthโ€ฆ

My obese cat agrees!

Goldfish will grow to their environment. In a smaller area or an area with many goldfish they will stay smaller.

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