Teen walked through my driveway with a gun.

By Dash775
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Him doing that could have easily gotten him killed.

Jeez these kids are so fucking dumb

Y’all are really stretching the definition of “mildly” lately

Great that the cops came out and acted fast though. What if it was a real fire arm? Who knows what could have happened if there was some sinister thing going on!

I was wondering why this was only “mildly” infuriating when I first saw it. I appreciate the cops’ restraint and speediness at least. Idk why on Earth (besides sheer stupidity/ignorance which is unfortunately all too common) you’d take that thing outside and wave it around.

He’s very lucky not to have a few holes in his head

“But did you die?” Teens doing dumbshit playing the ole fuck around and find out game.

This is how you get shot.

I mean how would OP know it wasn’t a real gun? I’d have the same reaction if I saw anyone walking around like that. Needs a very obvious orange tip at the LEAST

Just keeping the rents low.

So glad the cops were competent and decent—sounds like a quick, sane response that didn’t end with some awful situation.

Did he want to end up in a body bag? Because this is how you end up in a body bag.

I was into airsoft as a kid along with a group of neighborhood kids, and hated that we needed the orange tip on them. One of my friends dads let us have airsoft battles at his house, because he had a huge lot and woods out back. Even though this was 20+ years ago in a country adjacent suburb, his dad still made sure to let the neighbors know what we were doing. As well as repeatedly drive rules into our heads as well as sit on his deck keeping an eye on us.

We talked about taking the tips off or spray painting them for “authenticity” and as soon as he heard that he reemed us all a new one. He went off about the guns already looking to realistic and how stupid that would be, explaining even if we were kids ( mostly 12 years old ) and someone saw one of us with our airsoft guns they would probably think it was real and call the cops and they would probably show up and treat them as real guns. I still remember how deadly serious he got when talking to us.

Even the red tips now wouldn’t probably show up on a camera like this, and even if air soft enthusiasts want realistic guns it’s a terrible idea. Parents who give their kids realistic airsoft guns and let them run around the neighborhood are insane.

seriously dumb move. possibly illegal too orange tips are there for safety. easy way to get shot by someone trying to the good guy with a gun.

Here, before it gets locked

The…..cops had SMGs?

I’d say this is mildly interesting

(and super stupid😒)

Here in Australia the gun laws are so fucken strick, you have to put your firearm in a rifle bag when carrying it and the bolt has to be out, and the magazine has to be empty and out of the firearm. If you walk through a street you have to inform the police in advance so they are aware and sometimes they’ll even escort you so people don’t freak out

This is why nerf guns and gel blasters have orange tips

Some places it’s a felony to paint fake guns to look real

Lucky at least it was an orbeez gel blaster and not a revolver or pistol. I still don’t like getting the creeps by seeing that though.

Oh damn that is one dumbass kid. That could’ve ended way worse but glad it didn’t. I hope that mom is still whopping his patootie and he gets some common sense.

when i was a kid i remember a news story of a young kid, elementary school age, who was shot dead by police because they thought he had a real gun, but it was a toy gun with painted tips to make it look like a real one. gotta keep the orange tips, that shit is no joke.

this is quite literally the reason why toy guns have orange tips.

You know what’s kind of interesting? In Japan, they sell fake/toy/replica guns in stores, and they don’t even have the orange tips on the muzzle. If you pull one out in public and start playing with one, people don’t care. That’s how few gun issues they have over there. No one cares if you’re carrying around a ‘gun’ because people getting shot is so rare.

My boys have orbeez guns and wanted to do this exact thing 😑 Good to be rural tho, nobody would’ve seen it here lol

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