I’m allergic to my new face cleanser… on photo day

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You look like an anime girl. Perhaps you could get a black and white photo?

it you
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Anime character levels of blush

Awww, someones blushing
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Just throw some good ol’ “👉🏻👈🏻” to complete the look.

As embarrassing and annoying as that is you can redeem yourself by making this a post on life pro tips… As in don’t use untested products before an important event. The same goes for getting a new haircut right before picture day or a wedding or whatever.

that’s sad

you look cute with red cheeks tho lmao

Very kawaii

you look Bonita 😊

Go to your local makeup store and ask them to find you a concealer. They can show you how to dab it on with a brush.

I think this reaction means you’re a certified cutiepie


Hopefully you learned not to test this stuff on picture day.


I totally braced myself to be body shamed (especially with my still unstyled hair) but you guys are all either super nice or compawe me to anyime giwws and honestly I can live with that


Do Ahegao face for the pic

You look like the young, embarrassed Hugh Grant.

Never new products before picture day or weddings. Sorry you learned it the hard way.


now speak after me: uwu

it’s cute🎀🥺

OP: this is mildly infuriating

Plenty of comments: wow you’re cute 😍

It’s so fucking cute!

You look cute let this be your sign to wear blush from now on

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Hey at least you don’t need to put on blush today lol


Wow, you are cute! 😍


If it makes you feel better I was never allergic to anything for my photo days and I looked much worse

you look breedable bro

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That looks painful. My skin is stupid sensitive. My tip is to carry hydrocortisone. I hope you get some relief soon! I also like aquaphor for helping heal my skin (if you aren’t allergic to Lanolin).

If you want to cover it up, you could get some concealer.

Oh senpai……

UwU to you too man

Get a propeller hat and an oversized lollipop

Lesson for the future: Do not. I repeat do not make any changes to your beauty routine just before an important event.


Looking ahh

On the bright side… you really look adorable haha, when my skin reacts to stuff like that, my whole face turns neon pink

Kawaiiiiii neeeee ~(*o*)~

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