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He’s cured! The silver saved him!

I’ve never understood people thanking people for updoots or things of that nature. How starved for validation must you be?

“Jarvis, I’m low on karma”.

Youtube comments are even worse

I used to think people thanking for awards was them just being polite, until I received an award myself and it turned out reddit gives you an option to privately message them to personally thank them, even if it was sent anonymously. That’s when I knew it was all just for attention.

I miss when Reddit Silver was just a meme.

> My friend is dying and has days to live 😢
> Eyy, let’s go! Holy crap! Thanks for the Silver! 😁😊

like what??? your friend is dying and you’re thanking people for reddit awards

So thats how you get those shiny emojis

this is how every post on that sub feels to me


certified reddit moment

As the saying goes. There’s always a silver lining.

His friend will need those two coins to cross the river styx.

Always thank someone for internet points./s

Priorities, everyone.

Holy crap!

Holy crap!

Whenever my wife and I watch sport together I call out supporters of the losing team suddenly going from a sad expression to a happy one when they realise they’re on camera.

Reminds me of the kid that faked cancer and then laughed at everyone who gave him rewards

in cs silver means bad

I think I was more affected by Total Biscuit dying than this guy is by his friend.


silver didn’t even give reddit premium like gold and plat so its even more meaningless than the other reddit awards lmao

Youtube shorts comments in a nutshell

Sure it brought a lot of comfort to the friend in their last moments to see them jump out of the seat woohooing. It’s how I want to go. Watching someone get imaginary silver on Reddit while ignoring me pleading for the nurse.

What’s funny about this?

The fuck am I looking at? Back in my day we would take a person like you out back and beat them with a hose!

comment image?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272d212f8afcaa85d1526c53f958fab86d392347

Jarvis, I’m leu on kemia…

I’ve seen this in Comedy hell AND heaven.

These people who go back to edit their comments are always cringe.

This is the final boss of all those people.

EDIT: what dumb fuck childish ghoul downvotes basic compassion.

I know this seems fucked, and it is, in so much as social media is fucked at all. (But we’re on it aren’t we?)

People morn however they morn.

We go to social media for some sort of connection.

Awards are – and this is embarrassing – meaningful in that context.

If you want to laugh at that – that’s fine, social media does actually suck.

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