People burn American flags during an anti-Trump protest in Panama City, Panama.

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Yet they want us to believe it was so bad under Biden. I don’t recall Latin American countries burning American flags the last four years but here we are in under two months

Fuck Trump and every dumb prick that voted for him. The signs were there and they ignored them.

Sucks that whole of America has to suffer cause of that little rat Donald. I can imagine that for an American citizen, this is painful to see. Just know that the whole world is with you.

Fuck yeah, Panama!

-A lifelong American

Imagine trying to steal a 110 year old monument that Panama mostly uses as a tourist area, with childish lies. These morons at the White House didn’t even know that we (Panama) built bigger, newer and better sets of locks. The only reason we use the old locks is because of its historical value, not because of functionality. When the USA left the country we had to fix and improve these old locks, the USA barely did maintenance, because they didn’t want to invest in it. All they did was get 95% of the money for 80 years.

As an American – good for them. We deserve it.

I don’t blame them at this point

That ain’t good.

But it’s necessary. Fuck Trump, maga and Musk.

[Cue Van Halen]( 💓


Can’t blame them we shamed those flags allowing trump to take office

I wonder how long until we see US flag burnings on the regular…


Ah. The nostalgia.

Reminds me of coming of age during the early years of the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts.

Making small changes from American to non-American products will hurt the U.S. more than just burning a flag

Nothing shocking here. We should all expect this at this point. trump did this too.



Every MAGAt right now

I thought the MAGAts said we would be respected again. Hmm.

Dont burn the american flag, trump and co dont give a shit about that, Burn all the trump maga flags that always seem to fly higher than the USA Flag.

Republicans = Russia

We need to isolate US in the corner for 4 years. That’ll learn ‘em!

To be fair, if I recall correctly the Military Code says flags **should** be burned if they touch the ground. I mean fuck Trump but also, you actually SHOULD burn a flag without clutching pearls.

This is what he wants. He wants America to be hated, because that’s what Russia wants. He’s purposely dethroning America and crippling it so it is isolated and no threat to Russia. Our problems will be the world’s problems.



seems fine!

Did this make a difference though?

Burn Trump flags too please


Those of us that didn’t vote for him, Elon, jd Vance, mtg, etc. Feel your pain literally and also hate to see images like this.

All the power to these beautiful people. Fuck. aMeRiCA. Canada supports you Panama.

What happened to all that respect that Trump said America had now that he’s in office. Is this what respect looks like?

There was a point pre Trump that this would bother me.

Good for them.

Where is that sticker? ‘Trump did this’.

I swear Trump is the enemy of our country. He’s doing it intentionally with all his followers like sheep.


We don’t need no water, let the motherfu…..

Honestly, given what I’ve seen Trumpers do to American flags, burning it is a mercy.

Some guy in my town has a ratty ass American flag that is shredded to hell and back, claims he is a true patriot, but won’t retire it even after neighbors offered to get him a new one. But you know he has a giant BRAND NEW Trump flag flying ABOVE it on the same pole.

Should burn pictures of Trump.

Should be buring the confederate flag and the nazi flag that’s the flags these pricks really fly. Trump and his goons are nazi scum. Russian plants

Love you, Panama.

I’d prefer to see them burning Trump flags but that’s fair

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