I loved you!

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“You were supposed to promote democracy and freedom in the world, not destroy it!”

We do have the high ground.


This perfectly sums up my feelings. How do we get this viewed by as many Yanks as possible?

That’s actually hilarious lol

“You are not my brother, you are my province/state”

Great shitpost, great.

Haha this is perfect.

Only a fascist Levy’s terrifs.

Gonna miss hittin up the duty free

*”I’ll never join you!”*

I love this! OP fucking nailed it! LMAO!

We will never be the 51st oblast.

As an American, please give us a quick and painless death



American and Washingtonian, still love you all and always will. Fuck Trump.

Hey, my Duolingo actually paid off.

Inspired by:
comment image?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b3bf29b626dd48becec2f6820f8cf4fda0723e


Omg 😂


lol bottom says something like « you’re not my brother, you’re my territory »

lmao this is underrated

this is on point in so many ways

“You are not my brother, you are my oblast!” An oblast is kinda like a state.



Yes, I know I’ll probably get booted, but as an American, I’m embarrassed. Know most of us love you and don’t want what’s about to happen to happen. Soon we will be brothers and sisters again. Beers on me when that day comes.

That is not the United States. What you are dealing with Canada is not the United States. The United States is currently under occupation right now. They are trying to take Canada to expand their territory they took from the United States. The United States would never threaten Canada. The best friend to the north both politically and socially. This is a bizarre puppet tier organization that has taken over the country, amassed a cult, and done bidding of the foreign enemy who took advantage of the gullible population. Gullible due to the corruption of the nation on a global scale that maintained and maintains such inequality.

I feel so seen


I laughed way too hard at this 😂

Suka blyat

Please save us. Sincerely, American.


Ah the immolation approaches….

So good lol

Canada with the border choppers: “Hold on. This whole operation was your idea.”

That has to be the funniest thing I’ve seen in the last week by a long shot. And so so true. Could so easily replace Ukraine, UK, France, Germany, Spain, etc…with that.

“slow clap*


Yeah that’s totally the vibe I’ve gotten from Canadians throughout my life…

Are ya’ll excepting refugees yet?

Can any Americans please translate the bottom text for me please

saw an video version of this meme but excellent, I will add this to my collection. Also lets get more upvotes on this hosers

Vader was good in the end. Or did y’all forget

Sounds about right….after the USA finishes gutting the education system.

Nailed it!

That aboot sums it up.

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