Did you even say thank you?

By mitolit
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I love how his face gets chunkier every time this is posted.


Thank you for making European defence stocks the obvious investment !

Not once did you say thank you 😳

Obviously photoshopped to make his hands look bigger

Thank you for PUT options

Poor Berkshire

A masterpiece

Look at that tie hiding his tiny little peepee

It’s a cabbage patch baby


I some green in there

[Big Trouble in Little China](https://youtu.be/Hhk4A8CF5Gw?si=uRVb7YiVdSqZR3cC)

I don’t even know what this man looks like anymore

Why does his face look like someone with 600lbs?

Two centimeters would have spared us from all of that…

That pic is creepy. And his cheeks are weird too.


Say thank you before diner and wear a suit. Also no more military aid against Russia. Peak diplomacy of the White House.

These memes were made at the expense of the poor

Fuck you very much

The purple photoshop of this in r/pics was top tier shitposting, I was not expecting to see that on my front page.

Thank you for shorting opportunity. 👍

It’s in the mail

If Jack Doherty and JD Vance had a baby

[Looks like a Coach Klein moment.](https://youtu.be/257Cmj0s2q8?si=J12Ji3_KZa7GQfU0)

Is Vance slowly transforming in Modok from Antman?

Looks like everything is getting hit again crypto is going back down

Chode-facing JD Vance. My new favourite thing

Not planning on saying Thankyou

Fucking oath did you say thank you!?

Does his head just get bigger and bigger?

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