I’m so tired of winning…What’s this, like our third recession?

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I just live in a recession mindset all the time, as a millennial it isn’t that hard.

Cheers bro, we’re bringing back measles as well

It’s a win for the ultra-wealthy. They get to buy up the homes everyone else is getting kicked out of.

Paying $15 for a banana to own the libs

Good news: this one won’t be a recession…it will be a depression.

C’mon guys. We’re better than this. Thinking that a recession / depression is coming is fine, not being able to interpret a line graph is not. 1D or even a week means nothing 

…this is a 2% drop.

Dude, pull that back to show a year and you can see how far from a recession we are. We receded back to where we were in Januray of this year…

Zoom out?

look at the 5 year view, it’s not so bad yet

But yeah there will be more layoffs

The time scale is only 1 day, look at month at least

This isn’t a recession. That’s just a minor dip that’s not even 2%. That’s normal. Now, if the market drops 8% or 10% in a day, that’s when you worry. If it does it multiple days in a row, that’s when you get deeply concerned.

This is the greatness MAGA wanted

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A week of down markets doesn’t make a recession. If you don’t have the stomach to weather down markets, then you shouldn’t be investing. There are highs and lows, but when you zoom out over a period of years or decades you can’t even pick out a single week in the graph. Investing is a long term strategy. If you’re buying short term options, you’re just gambling.

Ohh no stock markets dropped less than 1% in 24 hours !!

If market drops create issues for you then it’s a clear sign of being over exposed in that particular asset class.

It’s a really good thing people voted against that lady with a slightly different laugh from everyone else huh?

Hey, at least eggs, gas and homes are affordable, we all have healthcare and we have plenty of work-life balance

It’s okay, at least the price of eggs is back under–hm? What’s that? No…. to shreds, you say?

Yes, because +11% over the last year is recessionary, when you day trade leveraged products.

You should probably not be investing at all if you can’t handle the ups and downs.

Please go do some research on investing.

It’s not our third recession. 👎

It’s our first depression. 👉

This is literally a one day chart. That’s not a recession. YTD is up. 1 year is up. 3 year is up. 5 year is up.

Are you new to investing?

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Oh noooooo

We are not in a recession and a 2% decline is nothing unusual. So typical, up 30% last year no one says anything. Drop 2-3% and it’s the Great Depression lol.

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